Extreme cold warning continues in London region
The wind chill makes it feel like -30 degrees Celsius in London today
Extreme cold temperatures continue to bear down on the London region, forcing local health units to issue cold weather alerts and the city to open an emergency overnight shelters for Londoners without a warm place to sleep.
The weather has also forced the closure of McGillivray Central Public School in Ailsa Craig and cancelled school buses for Middlesex and Oxford counties.
"This wave of cold weather is expected to remain in our region until Thursday," the Middlesex London Health Unit wrote in a statement this weekend. "While temperatures are anticipated to warm up slightly Wednesday, cold weather is still forecasted throughout the week and conditions may still meet the cold weather alert threshold."
School buses for Banting, Beal, Catholic Central, Dorchester, Laurier, Medway, John Paul II, Mother Teresa, Montcalm, Saunders, Westminster and St. Andre Bessette high schools are also cancelled. For a full list of cancellations, people can check mybigyellowbus.ca.
Boyle Memorial Community Centre was transformed Sunday night into a warming centre for people who have nowhere warm to sleep and the city's homeless shelters are full.
Recreational programming at Boyle was cancelled because of the need to help people survive the frigid temperatures.