Vietnamese refugee shares his story of coming to Canada
Xuan Nguyen was just a teenager when he fled Vietnam with some 60 thousand other refugees headed to Canada. He settled in Kamloops where he is now a successful businessman. We heard how his experience relates to the Syrian refugees coming here.
A Kamloops man who fled Vietnam as a refugee compares his experience to to what's happen in Syria.

Over the next few weeks and months, thousands of Syrian refugees will arrive in Canada. Over one hundred of them are expected to land here in Kamloops. The influx brings to mind what happened 40 years ago when Canada resettled some 60 thousand Vietnamese refugees after the end of the Vietnam War. Xuan Nguyen was one of them. Today, he's a well known business person in Kamloops. He own's the Donut King coffee shops. But back then - he was just a young man, totally alone. Daybreak's Jennifer Chrumka dropped in for a coffee - and to hear his story.
To hear the audio, click the link: Vietnamese refugee shares his story of coming to Canada