
Live chat with Mark Critch of This Hour has 22 Minutes

Tuesday September 18th at 1 p.m. Mark Critch of This Hour Has 22 Minutes holds a live chat with Hamiltonians only at CBC.CA/Hamilton

Tuesday September 18th at 1 p.m.  Mark Critch of This Hour Has 22 Minutes holds a live chat with Hamiltonians at cbc.ca/hamilton.

You can be a part of the event. Ask Mark anything about the show and he will answer, like Why does an hour have 22 minutes? Check out Mark in the video on this page as he does a dead-on impersonation of Hockey Night in Canada's Don Cherry

Mark Critch of the CBC's This Hour Has 22 Mintues.

If you want to be a part of the live chat contact Conrad Collaco at [email protected] or visit cbchamilton.ca at 1 p.m. on Tuesday afternoon.