Mississauga man charged with murder in fatal weekend shooting
The shooting occurred Saturday evening in an apartment building parking lot

Hamilton police have arrested a Mississauga man for the fatal, targeted shooting on Saturday that killed a 44-year-old Hamilton man.
Police had a 27-year-old in handcuffs by Sunday evening on the west Mountain and charged him for the first-degree murder of Darren Buskey.
Det.-Sgt. Steve Bereziuk told media on Monday that Buskey and the accused knew each other from the city's drug world and said that connection is tied to the motive.
"Based on the evidence, we are satisfied that there was some level of premeditation in this murder," he said.
That's because Bereziuk said they met earlier on Saturday for a drug deal in Hamilton, not far from the crime scene.

At roughly 10:50 p.m., Buskey returned to his home the Residences on 14th apartment, near Fennel Avenue East and Upper Wellington Street. Police say he parked his vehicle and was walking toward the building with friends.
That's when Berezuik said a man pulled up in a vehicle just feet away from Buskey before firing the bullets that killed him. Then the shooter drove away.
Police and paramedics arrived within minutes and tried CPR. Buskey died in the hospital about 30 minutes later.

Officers cleared the scene Sunday morning and made the arrest between 5 and 6 p.m. that day.
Berezuik said the accused was staying in the area and has a criminal record. Buskey also had a limited criminal record. Berezuik also said Buskey lived alone, with no kids or partner.
Police are still looking for the murder weapon but have custody of both men's vehicles.
The man charged appeared at the John Sopinka Courthouse Monday morning and has been remanded to a video hearing until June 9.