COVID-19 outbreak declared at Adelaide Hoodless Public School
On top of the outbreak, there are 10 more students with COVID-19 in Hamilton

Hamilton Public Health Services has declared a COVID-19 outbreak at Adelaide Hoodless Public School after two staff members tested positive on Monday.
"Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB) is working with public health officials to facilitate contact tracing and manage the outbreak," read a message from principal Nanci-Jane Simpson to families.
"If HPHS has assessed your child as a close contact of the confirmed cases, continue with direction to isolate. If your child is not a close contact of the confirmed cases, they can continue to attend school while monitoring for symptoms. All students and staff should perform daily screening for COVID-19 symptoms."
The board said public health doesn't recommend testing anyone who has no symptoms and the school is still operating.
It is the second COVID-19 outbreak Hamilton's public school board has faced. The Catholic board has had one too.
The outbreak comes as new daily COVID-19 cases in Hamilton continue to soar with 108 new infections confirmed by public health on Tuesday.
10 students have COVID-19
Ten students in Hamilton schools tested positive for COVID-19.
Two of them go to Waterdown District High School, but public health has not ruled it an outbreak as of Tuesday.
There is also a case at Glendale Secondary School.
"School administrators have notified all impacted families and staff members who are identified as a close contact. The students and staff members associated with the confirmed case will self-isolate for 14 days," read a letter from principal Barry Smith to families.
4 Catholic school cases, no outbreaks
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board reported four cases, two of which were students at St. Mark Catholic Elementary School.
One student was last in school on Nov. 12 and the other was in the building on Nov. 26.
The student who attended on the 12th had "no school-related close contacts with this individual and therefore no risk to the school," according to the school board.
The class of the student who attended on the 26th has been closed.
St. Teresa of Calcutta and St. Thérèse of Lisieux also had one case each. Both schools closed a class as a result.
2 more Mohawk College cases in Stoney Creek
Mohawk College announced two more COVID-19 cases at its Stoney Creek campus but says the cases are unrelated to each other or previous infections.
"The students last attended classes on Nov. 24 and Nov. 25, respectively. All entry and safety protocols were followed while on campus," read a statement from the school.
"The students and Mohawk College have been cooperating with Public Health officials in relation to these cases. On the advice of public health, the college has contacted the members of one class involved and have asked those students to self-isolate until Dec. 9."
French student gets COVID-19
A student at ÉS Académie-catholique-Mère-Teresa was diagnosed with the virus too.
The school remains open and no classes have been closed.