Closing arguments set to begin at inquest into death of Indigenous teen Devon Freeman
Closing arguments are expected to conclude on Thursday

A coroner's inquest into the death of an Indigenous teen whose body was found near a group home in Hamilton will begin hearing closing arguments today.
The inquest examining the death of Devon Freeman has heard the 16-year-old was reported missing from the Lynwood Charlton Centre group home in the Flamborough area of Hamilton in the fall of 2017 and found dead in April of 2018.
The inquest, which began three weeks ago, has explored systemic issues that played a role in the teen's death, including public policy and legal issues related to Indigenous children and youth in the child-welfare system.
Jurors have heard testimony from many people who were involved in Freeman's life, including child welfare experts, a children's aid worker, the teen's psychiatrist and his grandmother.
Closing arguments are expected to conclude on Thursday, after which those involved in the inquest can propose recommendations to the jury.
The inquest's jury may make recommendations aimed at preventing future deaths from occurring in similar circumstances.