Madeline Smith


Madeline Smith is a reporter with CBC Edmonton, covering courts and justice. She was previously a health reporter for the Edmonton Journal and a city hall reporter for the Calgary Herald and StarMetro Calgary. She received a World Press Freedom Canada citation of merit in 2021 for an investigation into Calgary city council expense claims. You can reach her at [email protected].

Latest from Madeline Smith

Edmonton man confined and attacked in his home, jury hears at first-degree murder trial

Donn Austin Gauthier has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder, arson and interference with a dead body in the homicide of Ronald Bell.

Edmonton police officer faces possible prison term for sexual advances toward victims of crime

Edmonton police Const. Hunter Robinz pleaded guilty last year to one count of breach of trust, admitting that he used his position of authority to pursue contact with eight women who were victims of crime or in need of police help.

Three men face 1st-degree murder charges in Edmonton death

Police say the body of 32-year-old Sukhvir Singh was found around 17th Street and Yellowhead Trail — an industrial area in the city's northeast — on Feb. 28.

Judge rejects request to review Crown decision not to prosecute EPS officer who kicked Pacey Dumas

A judge has denied a bid to review the decision not to prosecute an Edmonton police officer who seriously injured a young Indigenous man with a kick to the head.

Accused in Chinatown killings representing himself in separate trial on breaking and entering

Justin Bone has cycled through four different lawyers, with the most recent leaving the case last month. Since then, Bone hasn't gotten new representation.

Edmonton high school teacher faces sexual assault, interference charges

Police say Dylan James Shott, 32, was teaching high school classes at the time of the alleged assaults, but the girl who reported him is not a student at his former school.

Edmonton man handed consecutive prison terms for possessing child pornography, luring

Aarron Kowalchuk was sentenced to more than four years in prison, but with enhanced credit for time already served in the Edmonton Remand Centre, plus acknowledgement of harsh conditions he faced, he has about 18 months left behind bars.

Man who sexually exploited vulnerable Edmonton woman sentenced to 5½ years in prison

Christopher Becks admitted to pressuring two women into the sex trade, one of whom he trafficked and sexually assaulted after initially offering to help her get off Edmonton's streets.

More than 200 Albertans owed hundreds of thousands of dollars for life lease repayment

As a growing number of seniors and their families wait for an Edmonton property developer to repay the money it owes under life-lease contracts, the company says provincial regulations are a new stumbling block.

Alberta law society reprimands ex-justice minister Kaycee Madu, orders $39K payment

Alberta's law society has formally reprimanded former provincial justice minister Kaycee Madu and ordered him to pay nearly $39,000 in costs, pending his appeal of the decision.