Woman attacks stranger doing yard work, breaking his nose and cheekbone
Ashlee Brooke Pederson, 32, charged with assault causing bodily harm

Ashlee Brooke Pederson has been charged after a woman attacked a 64-year-old man who didn't know her while he was doing yardwork in Lethbridge, Alta., and broke bones in his face.
Pederson, 32, has been charged with assault causing bodily harm following the attack around 5 p.m. Wednesday, Lethbridge police said Thursday.
The man was moving a sprinkler when a woman he'd never met began yelling at him, Lethbridge police said in a news release.
As the victim tried to call 911, his attacker hit him in the face with an object.
Police found the man, who was "bleeding profusely with significant injuries to his face."
He is still in hospital with a broken nose and cheekbone.
Pederson was arrested at a nearby home and remains in custody.
Police haven't publicly identified the man.