Calgary pastor weighs in on Confederate flags
"Finally somebody is awake. Finally somebody is doing something good."

A Calgary pastor is supporting the decision to halt the sale of Confederate flags both internationally and locally in light of last week's shooting at a South Carolina church.
WalMart, Sears, eBay and Amazon pulling the flags and merchandise, as well as the Calgary Flag Shop.
"Finally somebody is awake. Finally somebody is doing something good," said Pastor Buk Bukasa who is with the Life of Faith Christian Church of Calgary.
After last week's mass killing of nine black people, South Carolina's governor declared the Confederate flag should be removed from statehouse grounds.
The flags can still be found flying in Calgary. Bukasa, who is originally from Congo, says the flags tell a story about the people flying them, and what they choose to support.
"Whenever you see it, it's just like a wound in the past."