Akita dogs to be euthanized after bloody attack

Two Akita dogs involved in a bloody attack on a couple and their beagle are scheduled to be put down.
The male dog will be euthanized on Friday, according to Bill Bruce of Calgary's bylaw services. The dog's mate, a female, will also be euthanized in about a week, after she is done weaning the pair's puppies.
The puppies will be placed with a foster family and adopted out once they are socialized, said Bruce. The puppies have already found new owners, he added.
The couple were badly bitten on July 26 while trying to feed the two Akita dogs, who were being kept in the garage adjacent to their rental suite at a house southwest of Didsbury.

The female Akita had given birth to the puppies four days earlier.
The attack began while the 27-year-old male victim was tending to the dogs. As his 28-year-old girlfriend entered the garage with her beagle, the female Akita immediately mauled her and her dog.
The male Akita joined in the attack and turned on the man, police said.
The couple had left their cellphones inside the garage, but neighbours overheard the commotion and called 911, police said.
Victims badly hurt
The victims were taken to Didsbury for medical attention and released the next morning. The man and woman suffered bites and tear wounds to their chests, forearms, hands, and thighs, police said.
The beagle sustained bites and tears to its entire back.
Officers from Mountainview County Protective Services have laid charges against Andrea Strang, 34, the owner of the Akitas, under bylaws governing dangerous dogs.
Strang agreed to surrender the dogs, said Bruce.