British Columbia

YouTube celebrity otter dies in Vancouver

An otter that delighted Vancouver Public Aquarium visitors for nearly 20 years has died.
Nyac at the Vancouver Aquarium in 2006. ((CBC))
An otter that delighted Vancouver Public Aquarium visitors for almost two decades and millions of viewers on the internet in recent years has died.

Nyac, a 20-year-old female sea otter, succumbed to chronic lymphatic leukemia, zoo officials said Tuesday.

Nyac was among eight sea otters brought to the aquarium following the massive Exxon Valdez oil spill that devastated Prince William Sound, Alaska, on March 24, 1989.

Staff said Nyac had been showing signs of her advanced age for the last couple of years.

Footage of Nyac and Milo, another otter, holding hands and cavorting at the aquarium has become a popular video on the YouTube website, logging more than 11,000,000 viewings to date.