Voter's Tool Kit | Useful information and links
Voters will go to the polls in B.C.'s provincial election on May 14. As a public service, CBC News has gathered key links and information to help you prepare for the vote.

Election information
- Registered political parties
- Who is eligible to vote in a provincial election?
- Elections B.C. homepage
- Election financing
- Français: Elections B.C.
Legislative assembly
Members of the legislative assembly (before the legislature was dissolved)
- Bills and amendments
- Assembly documents and records
- Advocational International Democratic Party of British Columbia
- BC First Party
- BC Marijuana Party
- BC Refederation Party
- British Columbia Conservative Party
- British Columbia Liberal Party
- British Columbia Libertarian Party
- British Columbia Party
- British Columbia Patriot Party
- British Columbia Social Credit Party
- Christian Heritage Party of British Columbia
- Communist Party of BC
- Green Party Political Association of British Columbia
- Helping Hand Party
- New Wave
- People's Front
- The Platinum Party of Employers Who Think and Act to Increase Awareness
- The Progressive Nationalist Party of British Columbia
- Reform Party of British Columbia
- Unparty: The Consensus-Building Party
- Western Canada Concept Party of BC
- Work Less Party of British Columbia
- Your Political Party of BC