Sunset Beach in downtown Vancouver reopens to swimming after E. coli closure
No-swimming advisory was issued last weekend after high bacteria levels detected

An advisory against swimming at Sunset Beach in downtown Vancouver has been lifted, according to Vancouver Coastal Health.
The beach was closed to swimmers over the weekend after high E. coli levels were detected in the water.
Swimming is generally prohibited on Metro Vancouver beaches when E. coli levels exceed 400 bacteria per 100 mL.
Snug Cove Beach on Bowen Island has been closed since the beginning of June, and Vancouver's Trout Lake was closed on Monday.
Vancouver Coastal Health says leaking septic tanks and discharge from boats and storm water runoff after heavy rains are the leading source of E. coli in Metro Vancouver waters. Most beaches are tested each week.
The health authority says high counts of E. coli can increase the chances of gastrointestinal illnesses and skin or eye infections. Seniors, children and people with compromised immune systems are most susceptible.