Shirtless Justin Trudeau accidentally photo bombs B.C. beach wedding
Prime Minister stands to the side as bride walks down the aisle

A wedding that took place on a public beach in Tofino, B.C., earlier this week had a very high-profile and unexpected guest — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
Wedding photographer Marnie Recker snapped a photo of the prime minister standing in the background just as the bride was making her way down the aisle.
She says Trudeau was departing the beach when he realized he had stumbled into the path of a wedding procession, as the bride was walking down the aisle.
"It was her moment and he respectfully stood aside and witnessed her walk down the aisle to her husband-to-be," wrote Recker on her Facebook page.
<a href="">#Trudeau</a> moves out of the way for a bride coming onto the beach to be married. <a href="">#tofino</a> <a href="">#cdnpoli</a> <a href="">#surf</a> <a href="">#wedding</a> <a href=""></a>
In addition to the head of government's "impeccable timing," the photographer also pointed to his "full Tofino spirit."
He was snapped with surfboard in hand and wetsuit worn down around his waist.
The off-duty prime minister has been spotted vacationing from Quebec to B.C. over the past two weeks with an official stop in Vancouver's pride parade.
Sightings of him with his family set off waves of "Trudeaumania" as well as grumblings by some online that he should get back to work on issues like the economy.