Baby sea otter to arrive at Vancouver Aquarium after found stranded in Washington
Marine mammal can't be released to wild because of separation from mother

The Vancouver Aquarium is about to get a lot cuter with the arrival of Rialto, a baby sea otter found stranded on a Washington beach in early August.
Just weeks old, he was in critical condition when he was brought to Seattle's aquarium. But after spending time in an intensive care unit, the little pup is thriving and ready for his new home.
Rialto — named after the beach where he was found — will be coming to Vancouver because Seattle doesn't have enough room for him, and he can't survive on his own in the wild because he was separated from his mother who would have taught him survival skills.

"He was sleeping a lot, fighting pneumonia, and not super strong yet," said Vancouver Aquarium senior marine mammal trainer Kristi Heffron. "He has since kicked his pneumonia and has gained a lot of weight and is acting like a normal sea otter."

Once Rialto arrives later in September, he'll be in his own special nursery, which is still under construction.
There will be a roof added, two swimming pools and a table for grooming.
Vancouver Aquarium staff hope that in six months, Rialto will join Vancouver's three other resident sea otters, Katmai, Tanu and Elfin, who were all rescued in Alaska.
In the next few weeks we’ll welcome Rialto, the rescued sea otter pup at <a href="">@SeattleAquarium</a>: <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a>