Legal action taken against 2 more illegal dentists
College of Dental Surgeons raided houses in Coquitlam and East Vancouver; no public warning issued

The College of Dental Surgeons of B.C. has raided two illegal dental operations and B.C. Supreme Court has filed interim injunctions against two unregistered dentists.
Vladimir Shapoval, of Coquitlam, and Hua Zheng Huang of East Vancouver, were both under the surveillance of the college following the public alert of Tung Sheng David Wu's "bedroom" operation.
Both raids were the result of public complaints and extensive dental equipment was seized from both residences.
Following the raids, the college found neither of the operations met infection control standards required of B.C. dentists.
However, the college's registrar and CEO Jerome Marburg said a public alert is not warranted in the cases of Huang and Shapoval, as it was with Wu.
"Anyone who sees an illegal practitioner puts themselves at risk for bacterial and viral infections," he said.
Marburg recommends anyone who received services from Shapoval or Huang to consult with a physician or a registered dentist for any potential health risks.
No patient files were found in either residence.
Shapoval's ongoing saga
Shapoval has been on the radar of the college since 2006, when a member of the public complained about services received at Shapoval's residence at 3209 Salt Spring Avenue in Coquitlam.
Following legal proceedings, Shapoval agreed to a B.C. Supreme Court order prohibiting him from practising dentistry or holding himself out as a dentist.
After public panic in the wake of Wu, the college picked up the investigation, at which point Shapoval was found to be practising again, despite the injunction. His residence was raided Oct. 11.
The court has issued another interim injunction to prevent Shapoval from practicing. The case is expected to be back in court early 2014.
Huang's first offence
Huang came to the attention of the college as a result of a public complaint following the investigation into Wu's illegal operation.
The B.C. Supreme Court issued an interim injunction against Huang Dec. 17, the same day his house at 2508 Adanac Street in Vancouver was raided.
Huang has agreed to the injunction. Any usable, safe supplies from his residence will be donated by the college to a non-profit dentistry clinic.