Kamloops' only daily newspaper closing after 80 years
50 full-time and part-time workers to lose their jobs as the Kamloops Daily News ceases operations

The Kamloops Daily News, the city's only daily newspaper, is shutting down after 80 years of publishing, putting 55 full-time and part-time workers out of a job.
Daily News publisher Tim Shoults made the announcement on Monday, saying the paper will completely cease operations within 60 days. He says revenues have declined significantly and the newspaper's attempts to grow in other areas have not worked out.
"I'm saddened for the people we are going to be saying goodbye to as a result of this," says Shoults. "I think the loss for the community will be very significant as well."
Rob Munro with Unifor, the newspaper's union, says it's a difficult time for employees.
"They've gone through this two years ago when they closed the press and the mail room and seen some of their co-workers go through this," says Munro. "So you know it's not a good time."
With the loss of the Daily News, the community of 85,000 is left with one bi-weekly paper, Kamloops This Week, as the only other news publication still being delivered door-to-door.
With files from Doug Herbert