Family of missing New Westminster woman makes public plea
'We just want her to come home,' says daughter

Family and friends of Nirla Sharma, a New Westminster, B.C., woman who disappeared from her home early Monday morning, are placing posters in the community in the hopes someone with information on her whereabouts will come forward.
The New Westminster Police Department's Major Crime Unit is involved in the search for Sharma, 44, a mother of two. Police say her case is considered high risk because her disappearance is out of character.
Sharma's 20-year-old daughter, Vanessa Sharma, wants her mother to know that her family is desperate to find her.
"We just want her to come home, or if she could just call us and let us know that she's safe, that we love her," she said.
Nirla Sharma has been missing since early Monday morning from her family home on Lawrence Street in the Queensborough neighbourhood. She was last seen at 9 p.m. Sunday when she went to bed.

Family members heard their front door chime at 4 a.m. Monday morning, but thought it was their mom letting the dogs outside.
She did not show up for work at BC Hydro, Vanessa Sharma said.
Her mother had left the house without her debit and credit cards, Vanessa Sharma said, adding she didn't take her work and personal cellphones.
She said the only thing missing from the house was her mother's Apple watch, which police have used to try to locate her.
Vanessa Sharma believes her mother was wearing pink pyjamas from the night before. Also missing were a pair of running shoes and a black-hooded jacket.
Police have released photos of the type of clothing that Sharma could be wearing.

Vanessa Sharma says she doesn't know why her mother may have left home.
"Hopefully someone has seen her. We've called all the women's shelters. We've called all the hospitals, and no one has seen her."
New Westminster police are looking for vehicle dashcam footage or surveillance footage. They say Sharma didn't take her car, and it's not clear if she walked.
Anyone who has seen Nirla Sharma or knows her whereabouts is asked to contact police.