Dr. Bob Rishiraj accused over propofol use in case of brain damaged teen
Dentist accused of using propofol for deep sedation without proper training

A College of Dental Surgeons in British Columbia hearing is underway into allegations of unprofessional conduct involving a Kamloops dentist, after a teenage patient suffered irreversible brain damage.
The college is investigating allegations Dr.Bob Rishiraj used propofol for deep sedation without proper training.

Propofol is an anaesthetic that has also been linked to the deaths of both Joan Rivers and Michael Jackson.
At Thursday's hearing, a dental assistant who worked with Rishiraj, testified that the 18-year-old patient stopped breathing during oral surgery for the removal of wisdom teeth.
During the procedure, the assistant said, she performed chest compressions and 911 was called. She recalled "bawling her eyes out" and leaving the office after the incident.
She said the dentist ordered staff to phone 911 and that the call was taking place while CPR was being performed.
Dr. Rishiraj is also accused of failing to recognize the patient's cardiac arrest in a timely way.
The dental assistant said that after the incident, procedures at the dental practice changed to include more monitoring of patients.
Neither the patient nor any of the witnesses can be named due to a publication ban. None of the allegations have been proven in court.
The hearing continues Friday, then is scheduled to reconvene Jan. 26 to 30 next year.
- Read the documents related to the hearing. On mobile? Click here.
With files from Meera Bains