Soapbox derby beats video games say young, thrilled racers in Delta
'I think it's pretty fast and I like how it has siren and brakes,' said novice driver Hugo Helmuth
When driver Teagan Douglas was asked why soapbox racing was better than video games his answer was lightning-fast.
"Because it's real life!" he said.
Douglas was one of 43 children aged nine to 12 racing in Tsawwassen Saturday in mean machines handcrafted with parents or grandparents in a the Tsawwassen Rotary Club's inaugural derby.
"It's going back to the classics. It's about bringing the family together — teamwork," said Teagan's mother Amanda Douglas.
Dozens of young drivers suited up in helmets and hunkered down in flame-clad, brightly coloured racers to race along 6th Ave.
"It's so great they put down their phones. They put down their video games. They come out here on this glorious day. The fathers, mothers and grandparents are all here to watch," said Delta Police Chief Neil Dubord.
He said local officers couldn't resist competing with local firefighters — or boasting about their car.
"We put a lot of time and energy ... there is science in this car!"
The young driver was stoked about the car built by Delta police officers — with a working siren.
"I think It's pretty fast and I like how it had a siren and brakes. The steering is pretty controllable," said Hugo Helmuth.
"I think it would be a fun experience to kind of drive a car since I've already done a car simulator and I think that would be kind of like it."
For others it was a chance to bond as a family.
Mayia Dueck helped her grandfather build a racing machine.
"He did most of it but I helped him," she said. "It's really awesome!"
"I think it's just a great way of building memories," said grandfather Greg Barnes before cheering his beaming granddaughter with her friends.
With files from Doug Kerr