Crown Royal Northern Harvest Rye: The big kid's 'Tickle Me Elmo' of 2016?
If you got your hands on a bottle, consider yourself lucky

Crown Royal's award-winning Northern Harvest Rye may have taken the title as 2016's must-have Christmas item.
Liquor stores across the country have been struggling to keep it on shelves ever since it was crowned the best whisky of the year by Jim Murray's Whisky Bible.
In Manitoba, Edmonton and in British Columbia, there are stories of long line-ups and mad dashes to purchase the whisky.
"Before the award, we had three or four bottles on the shelf for a good three weeks and nobody bought any," said Maeghan Van Veenen the assistant manager of Surrey, B.C.'s South Point liquor store.
"And then as soon as it won the award, those bottles were gone. We have not been able to buy anything or get anything in store until today."
Van Veenen says the shipment of 24 bottles they received were gone within 45 minutes even after they put a limit on the amount customers could purchase.
Bottles of the whisky are now being resold online on sites like Craigslist and Kijiji for anywhere from $70 to $100.
One advertisement from North Vancouver went as far as to ask for $200. The bottle normally retails for anywhere from $30 to $50.
Victory drink
For those fortunate enough to get a bottle, their victorious posts have flooded social media feeds.
<a href="">#yyc</a> <a href="">#calgary</a> <a href="">#CrownRoyal</a> <a href="">#Crown</a> <a href="">#Royal</a> <a href="">#Northern</a> <a href="">#Harvest</a> <a href="">#Rye</a> These Gents Are excited to purshase a CASE of this <a href=""></a>
Finally got my hands on some Crown Royal Northern Harvest Rye. Bonus no standing in line. <a href=""></a>