B.C. landslide prompts state of local emergency
The 10-metre wide landslide affected two properties in District of Summerland

A landslide in B.C.'s Okanagan has prompted the District of Summerland to declare a state of local emergency for two properties west of Lake Okanagan.
The Friday landslide was approximately 10 metres wide at the crest of a slope above a property on Garnet Valley Road, west of Highway 97, according to a district statement.
The slide sent soil and tree debris flowing down the slope into the south corner of the house, the district statement said. Officials issued an evacuation order for the residents of that property.
The slide also washed out the slope below the house near another property.
An evacuation alert was issued for the occupants of the second property, who have been warned to leave if the situation changes.
The district said a section of the slope remaining above the properties is saturated, and water continues to flow through and out of the slide area.
FortisBC has been on site assessing the potential risk to a gas main located near the slide.