B.C. government opens extreme weather shelter spaces for winter
Temporary shelter spaces will support province's permanent, year-round shelter spaces, ministry says

The B.C. government says it has already started opening temporary shelter spaces in the province in anticipation of extreme weather conditions over the winter.
The province, with municipal and non-profit partners, says it will provide more than 1,400 temporary shelter spaces and over 750 extreme weather response shelter spaces. They will be open overnight seven days a week and some will provide 24-hour support.
These spaces will support the 2,000 permanent shelter spaces in B.C.
Selina Robinson, minister of municipal affairs and housing, said in a statement they are crucial for the health and safety of people living on the street.
"These shelters not only have the potential to save lives — they also assist people in accessing the support and services they need to achieve housing stability," Robinson said.
Some of the temporary shelter spaces have already opened, with more to open starting Nov. 1, 2018. The extreme shelter spaces will remain open until March 31, 2019.