2 Burnaby homes flooded after alleged drunk driver hits fire hydrant
61-year-old man attempted to flee scene and refused to provide breath sample

Burnaby RCMP say they will recommend charges against a 61-year-old man who drove into a fire hydrant, flooding two homes at Royal Oak Avenue and Marine Drive.
RCMP said on Twitter that alcohol is suspected to be a factor.
The man fled the scene and refused to provide a breath sample. He is now in custody.
The Burnaby Fire department was on scene to limit the damage from the flood.
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Asia Bailey lives near the area where the crash happened.
Bailey says when she left her home to see what was going on, the vehicle was stuck on the hydrant and trying to back out, but was having trouble because one of its wheels was bent.
"When he did get out he swerved out on Marine Drive," she said.
Baldev Basra's home was one of the two that was flooded.
"It was just like a river," Basra said about the water flowing from the hydrant into his basement. "Big time."
Basra said this is the second time a driver has caused damage in the area. Last year someone crashed into a tree on his property, he said.
Neighbours say the alleged drunk driver also hit three nearby cars as well as a stop sign.