Ghalia Bdiwe
Latest from Ghalia Bdiwe

'God damn you, Trump': Syrians in Damascus react to U.S.-led airstrikes
The news of the U.S. and allies airstrikes on Syria last Saturday made headlines all over the world, but for those who live in Damascus it was no more than bizarre theatrics and an un-accomplished mission.
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CBC Investigates
Some immigration consultants violating rules of private refugee sponsorship program
CBC News has learned about a troubling aspect of the drive to bring Syrians to Canada: professional immigration consultants, in partnership with some refugee sponsorship groups, are charging refugees thousands of dollars in arrangements that critics say are unethical and violate federal rules on sponsorship.
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ISIS paperwork reveals names of 6 Canadians
CBC News has obtained what appears to be the ISIS job applications of six foreign fighters from Canada.
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Syrian peace talks: War-weary refugees say they're not interested in empty promises
With thousands of people fleeing Syria each week, UN-led negotiations aimed at ending the country's five-year civil war broke down this month. Though the talks are set to resume in a few weeks, many war-weary refugees in Canada say they're ready to move on.
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Canada's welcoming refugee response praised in Arab media
Canada's welcoming reception of the first planeloads of Syrian refugees has prompted an overwhelmingly positive response in the Arab media, with one Jordanian website going so far as to call Prime Minister Justin Trudeau "Superman."
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Coalition bombing linked to 48 allegations of civilian casualties in Iraq, Syria
Despite claims by Canada and coalition forces of a near-perfect bombing record that has rarely harmed or killed civilians in Iraq and Syria, a fifth estate investigation has found nearly 50 credible allegations — involving as many as 600 possible deaths — that merit further review.
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Canadian airstrikes linked to 2nd allegation of civilian casualties in Iraq, CBC has learned
Canadian jets have now been connected to a second airstrike in Iraq that has been reviewed by the Pentagon for possible civilian casualties, the fifth estate has learned. Canadian officials, however, were unaware this review had taken place.
World |

Covert citizen journalists inside Islamic State use truth to fight ISIS
Covert reporters belonging to the group Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently (RBSS) are risking their lives and using truth to fight ISIS propaganda.
World |

Escaping ISIS, the underground railway out of the Islamic State
Foreign fighters are smuggled into ISIS areas, but the secret routes take defectors out, too.
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