Blake Shaffer
Blake Shaffer is an assistant professor of economics and public policy at the University of Calgary. Prior to academia, he had a 15-year career in energy trading.
Latest from Blake Shaffer
Alberta steps closer to ending coal power, faster than many expected. But then comes the hard part
The last three coal power plants in Alberta are expected to switch to natural gas by 2023, marking the end of the biggest greenhouse gas reduction in Alberta's history. But we're not done yet, writes Blake Shaffer.
Canada -Calgary |

OPINION | On the wrong track: Alberta loses $2.1B on crude-by-rail contracts
The crude-by-rail mess isn’t the first fiscal train wreck from an Alberta government venturing beyond its core competencies, nor is it likely to be the last.
Canada -Calgary |

Paying for pipelines: How consumers can end up footing some of the bill
"B.C.'s deal with Kinder Morgan sets a dangerous precedent for interprovincial trade," says economist Blake Shaffer
Canada -Calgary |