Your horoscope for the week ahead: Prepare yourself, the three-week Mercury retrograde has begun
If you play it right, Hermes can actually guide you towards your dreams.

Say "hello" to the once-in-four-month Mercury retrograde. Mercury, aka Hermes, starts this week by coming to a full stop, and then looping backwards through the starry background for the next 3 weeks. It's an optical illusion, of course, but it has a strong astrological impact. This one runs from August 13 to September 5.
It inevitably produces communication turbulence and glitches that affect schedules, travel, transportation and technology. We've been slipping into it from as early as about 2 weeks ago. Life has an unpredictable quality to it. This is a work-in-progress-period of time. It's best, if possible, to not launch new initiatives. It would be like accepting guests in a hotel which is under construction.
So, hurry up and get that hotel finished. You've got 3 weeks to get everything in order before taking in guests!
Hermes is your guide, loyal friend and mentor. He's waving his golden wand and leading you towards the accomplishment of your dreams.
Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, August 14, 2017.
It may seem as though you've made a critical error of judgement. Not so. Yes, mistakes do happen. That's okay. What's not okay is to get overly anxious about it. Feelings of remorse can easily cloud your judgment and make you feel bad. It won't be long before the storyline changes and you realize that so-called mistake was a lucky escape. It will surely prove to be the best decision you ever made.
As an opportunity begins to present itself, joy will spring up from a deep source within. If you're willing to be bold and give an idea a chance to grow, you will succeed in pulling yourself out of a rather complex quandary. Much good will come as this seed grows. Do your best to be open-minded. It takes some courage, of which you have plenty. Your outlook is unquestionably auspicious.
An upbeat, sanguine attitude is what you need if you are to extricate yourself from an awkward situation. Once you escape its grip you will be better able to pursue a certain well-grounded aspiration. It is one that will bring the kind of freedom and happiness you have always yearned for. The outcome will certainly surpass your expectations.
Sitting on the fence between antagonistic parties can be a dangerous place to be. That, however, is exactly where you currently find yourself situated. Your wisdom and emotional intelligence is essential in bringing about a happy outcome. So, make yourself comfortable as best you can on that narrow fence and sit it out until the people in question find some sense.
Carefully laid plans have been disrupted by circumstances beyond your control. The way to get out of this quandary is to look for wider applications on how to use a certain asset that you have at your disposal. Trust your own abilities and talents to troubleshoot this situation. Tricky though it may be – it is winnable. You can and will do it.
Resist the urge to indulge in paranoid thoughts. No one is deliberately setting out to destroy you. It's true that you have been treated unfairly, but you mustn't assume the world has turned against you. The universe is feverishly working on your side by testing your strength. You're doing very well, so there is good reason to feel optimistic. The more passionate and determined you are, the greater will be your success.
When imagination rests on the foundation of practicality, it opens the door to limitless possibilities. Extraordinary miracles can happen. A path you were following reached a dead end or so you think, but the destination you seek can still be reached by alternative routes. With a little homework, an intrepid spirit and the help of wily Hermes, you will find it. An inspired thought from your unconscious will show you the way.
Benevolent forces are clearly working on your behalf. It may not be obvious to you yet, but a difficult situation is starting to change for the better. There is every reason to feel confident. An old problem is on its way out. Evidence will soon come to convince you that life is definitely headed in a positive direction. The future is eager to embrace you with happiness.
Rather than perceiving your problems as a hostile universe conspiring to bring ruin upon you, view them as concerned friends hard talking you into doing the right thing. You have a choice between triumph and defeat. It's an easy decision. Unbeknownst to you, your difficulties are steering you in a most mysterious way towards triumph, fulfilment and success.
A ray of positive energy from Jupiter will glow in your heart and help you with certain important issues that have been languishing in the shadows. A feeling of constructive progress will enlighten and encourage you as a previously unseen positive side of a sensitive situation is revealed to you. There are plenty of valid reasons to feel hopeful and exultant about what is to come.
There's no point running if you're running in the wrong direction. Examine carefully what you are working on with such intensity. The stars indicate that you are running in the right direction, but faster progress can be achieved with a few minor tweaks to your strategy. Meditate and reflect. Listen to your breath. Consult your inner compass. There is a way to get where you want to be faster and with greater ease. Stay in after school today and write the preceding sentence 50 times.
One essential ingredient to success is to do what comes most naturally. It involves following your heart. By and large, it's a formula that works most of the time. A lucky star is watching over you even when you feel abandoned. The universe has not turned against you and it has no intention of doing so. Proceed with confidence and make sure you enjoy every moment of this experience called University of Life.