There's an eclipse in your eyes: Our guide to celebrating the biggest eclipse in 99 years
99 Problems, but a guide to an eclipse party is not one!

If you a human who walks the night or reads the internet, you might have noticed that something is happening, like REALLY happening up there. Up there, like the sky! Monday was a full moon and not just any moon, the beginning of a very special fortnight culminating in a lunar eclipse on Monday August 21st. It's fair to say we're pumped and you should be too. This is one of our best shots of seeing some magical glimpses of the moon and our sun's atmosphere - this is not a euphemism for glimpsing Beyonce, but like, actual celestial majesty. Here's a primer and everything else you need to know.
Facts and science are great, but we've got other important things to attend to. Welcome to eclipse season, let's party.
This isn't just any type of party, but a totally emotional, introspective, dynamic one — our favourite. We all know the moon cycles change our environment: the tides go in and out more powerfully, our night sky changes and often, if we let, our perspective changes too. Magnify that by the greatest eclipse North America has seen in 99 years and let the games begin! Here, a humble guide to honouring an awe-inspiring event; tune in, turn up, let the shadows fall.
Step 1 - Party with Yourself: Tune In
Celestial knowledge is pretty cool, but for many who follow astrology, philosophy and spirituality, eclipse season means much more. Before you party with others, take time to party with yourself. This is an emotional party where the door prize is insight!
I sat down with Krista Marie-Starr a yoga teacher, philosopher and moon specialist to get her tips on what eclipse season can bring up and what to do about it.
Krista recommends using the shadow created by the moon as an opportunity to see one's own shadow; examine where you're at, what you're feeling and what's holding you back. "Often when we are forced to look deeply in, our reflex is to defuse this intensity, distract.", Krysta explains. " While self care is important in moments of hardship, to completely turn away from our edges and shadows in a time when the earth's light mirrors our inner path is a wasted opportunity." We hear you, Krista! She recommends using this intensity to transform you little a butterfly.
Okay okay, but how, right? Krista recommends starting in the body. Take a moment when you wake up on Monday August 21st to sit quietly, set a timer, breath and feel. Even 10 minutes will do the trick. The body can be a powerful tool to experience the unconscious mind, use that. Ask, where in your body do things come up? Don't judge or worry, just sit with those feelings. Next take this silence and space to create something, write three pages in your notebook, do yoga, dance, sing, paint, manifest something externally that resonates what you felt. This type of self work is hard, but deeply rewarding and a party for your soul. Krista says GO FOR IT. I say, I believe in you!
Step 2 - Party with Your Friends: Gather!
So you've woken up, tuned in and created something magical. CHECK. Next up, it's time to gather. This is one of the most awe-inspiring things we'll see in our lifetime. Come together and feel your feelings and open your jaws in wonder ensemble. Check in here for the viewing times across Canada, and here for how to watch the eclipse safely. Get outside. I don't care if it is your backyard, a park, a patio or a parking lot. If you can get off work make it a all-day party. I suggest you bring a blanket, abundant fresh fruit and vegetables of the season and probably some biodynamic wine - wine made in keeping with the moon cycle because, DUH YES. Take it in together in silence, phone and distraction free - we promise NASA will take better shots you can steal later. After you've glimpsed the shadow, check in. You know how you're doing and feeling, share that, ask questions. Honest conversations on our own shadows, hardships and hopes are almost as powerful and rare as a lunar eclipse. Laugh, cry, and say out loud all the things you've been holding back before the planet's cycle and yours begin anew. Whoa.
Step 3 - Party with the World: Unite!
You're meeting went late, you couldn't leave your desk or you accidentally napped. That is okay! The night is here and there is much more partying in store. Check the NASA-cast, dance to your favourite music, get out to a yoga class and share this North American wide phenomenon in whatever way you need to and can. The night is yours, feel it. And… keep it up! Partying once every 99 years is pretty cool, but don't wait around for another eclipse to party with your feelings, check in with your friends and dance with the world. Honest parties mean deeper connections, safer spaces and more adventures. Let's do this, moon.

Nicole Campbell is a wine-soaked witch. She has her WSET diploma, runs a boutique wine agency within Lifford Wine & Spirits and runs educational wine seance raves across Canada as a Grape Witch. Find her casting spells on Instagram at @grapewitches or on her website