Your horoscope for the week ahead: The Winter Solstice and Great Conjunction mark a pivotal time for us all
A new 200-year astrological cycle begins
This is a pivotal time for us all. Monday brings several important events: The First Quarter Moon, the Sun's entry into Capricorn, the Winter Solstice and, after a long chase, Jupiter finally conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius, thus launching a new two-hundred year cycle. They will be so close that they will appear as one point of light. This is a rare occurrence.
What makes it all even more important is that Mercury reaches superior conjunction with the Sun. This means it has reached the far side of the Sun and formed a straight line with Earth. This is an important point in the Mercury cycle. From this point forward the Master of Strategy will begin his journey back toward Earth. On January 5 he will emerge as an Evening Star.
Mars forms a dramatic square to Pluto on Wednesday for the third and last time this year. It's a rather confrontational aspect, so stay calm and hold your temper if need be. Handled correctly, it will give you the strength and determination of Hercules.
The Winter Solstice is the longest night and shortest day, but from this point on the light begins to grow. Light a candle and make a list of your wishes for the New Year.
Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, December 21, 2020.
You come across as cool, calm and collected. Who would guess that secretly, inwardly, you are anxious about a problem to which there seems to be no end in sight? You have been labouring under the misapprehension that you have made a bad decision. Quite the opposite is true. This feeling is based on fear and anxiety. Yes, it's true that there is no going back to the way things were. But you wouldn't want to anyway, especially when you realize, as you soon will, that your future is far better than anything you ever dreamed of. The Sun-Mercury alignment will provide an insight that will make you optimistic and ingenious.
There is nothing unusual about feeling unsure or even a little uneasy about an opportunity that has arisen. Just remember that lucky thoughts attract lucky situations. An exciting journey into the unknown is getting underway. Everything is going to work out just dandy. The planets portend an auspicious outcome. You'll soon have very little to be worried about as the Sun-Mercury alignment inspires you with a clever stratagem that will give your plans a big push toward success. Not every good idea turns out to bring a brilliant solution, but the Universe is looking after you this week.
This week you have to be firm and clear about where you stand on a certain matter. Someone has to comprehend a most profound message you are attempting to communicate. Deeds, however, speak louder than words. So, let your actions speak for you. Say less, do more and you'll find that you will receive the respect that you deserve. Life on this lovely planet is far from perfect, but you have the power to make choices to make it better. The Sun-Mercury alignment will make you realize that where there's a will, there's always a way. You've got great determination now. Make sure you take the most direct road to where you want to be.
Keep your goal in mind and don't focus so much on the only method you feel you can use to get to it. Refuse to feel thwarted. Look for an ingenious alternative. There is a way, but it is going to take some effort to find it. You are about to be blessed with a stunning insight into a previously inscrutable matter thanks to the Sun-Mercury alignment. At first, you may hardly believe that you have correctly understood what has come to light. But eventually, it will all become obvious and most reassuring. What is unbelievable today will be the new reality of tomorrow. You have the right to enjoy life.
Never underestimate the power of your own creativity. At the moment, you have a potent imagination You see positive potential in a situation that others perceive as relatively empty or even negative. You have a chance to prove yourself. An insight is due to come very soon that will reveal how to achieve your most precious objective. As you come to better understand what exactly is preventing you from getting there, the Sun-Mercury alignment will deliver a moment of enlightenment that will reveal a plan. Funny, it's been right in front of you all the time, but you couldn't see it until now. Better late than never.
While some cosmic changes are subtle, others are powerful and immediate in their effect. You can look forward to a dramatically different outlook and a real chance to do what currently seems so desirable yet impossible. A dilemma you are grappling with is not particularly appealing, but when viewed with the objectivity of a bird-eye perspective, it is apparent that the pros far outweigh the cons. The Sun-Mercury alignment bodes well. The current stress will transform into a sense of contentment as you notice how the tide turns in your favour. Success clearly lies ahead in your path.
Circumstances are forcing you to make a series of rapid-fire decisions. It's not clear if you've made the right choices yet, but time will tell. You are right to feel that something wonderful is in the offing. The strong likelihood is that you will be receiving your karmic reward for a good deed done. In the meantime, if you are able to live with a small degree of uncertainty, you'll be just fine. Any insecurity you are experiencing will prove to be a very temporary state of affairs. A certain special dream is not as far-fetched as some people think. What's required is a minor miracle. The Sun-Mercury alignment will take care of that.
A situation of utmost importance is rather unstable. Of course, these days you'd be hard pressed to find stability anywhere. Such is the way of the world now. With the passage of time great things can happen. If though, we really want to know how different things will be in the future, we have to wait till the future shows us. But you have some say in the matter. The Sun-Mercury alignment is encouraging you to keep your expectations high. You have good reason to feel proud of who you are and where you are going. You are making the right choices now, so there's really no need to rush. The key is to keep things stable.
Unless you've got something essential to say, just sit back and listen. Let others do all the talking. You need a period of calm reflection to acquire a deeper understanding of a perplexing dilemma. As the Sun and Mercury form a most auspicious alignment, a penetrating insight will sweep over you. A certain piece of vital information is about to come to your attention. You don't need to struggle endlessly with some desperately difficult factor. If it seems to you as if it is all getting very tiresome or stressful it could be because you have overlooked something very simple. Don't create complications where there are none.
Here today, gone tomorrow. Even our problems will one day become distant memories. The sand dunes of time bury the past in layers of history. Everything moves on. And it's a good thing too. The Sun-Mercury alignment will redeem your hard work and guide you to the land of bliss and infinite happiness. It won't happen overnight, but you are being sent in the right direction. Slowly, the light of understanding is beginning to shine through the shadow of confusion. You are piecing together a new view of an old situation. Take your time but do take it. There will be more information and more clarity this week.
Trouble in the heavens has drawn you into an entanglement that you'd rather wash your hands of. Discretion and silence are preferable to making hasty comments that might yield unpredictable consequences. Listen to the voice of understanding and you'll succeed at diffusing an uncomfortable scenario. Slowly, things are starting to make a lot more sense. You can understand why recent mysterious events took place in the way that they did. Now, you can look at what lies in front of you and see a positive potential pattern in what previously seemed to be a random and chaotic scenario. The Sun-Mercury alignment is steering you to better pastures.
You are a realistic person, if not a little naïve at times. Some straightforward and honest scrutiny is required concerning your true feelings and how to manage them. There is no need to be unduly pessimistic about the outcome of a certain situation. You will soon be given reason to feel much more encouraged. The Sun-Mercury alignment will show you how to enjoy and appreciate the complexity of what's happening now. At some point further down the line you'll ask yourself why you took things so seriously. With determination, with insight, with effort and with skill, you can now make a big step in the right direction.