Your horoscope for the week ahead: Look inward and trust your gut as the first quarter moon moves into Virgo
Meanwhile, as Mercury trines transformative Pluto, it’s a great time to call in any favours you're owed

The heavens may be short on cosmic interactions this week, but that doesn't mean that the current transits won't prove to be powerful. So take this opportunity to recentre yourself and tune into the energetic transitions at play.
On Tuesday, we're called to look inward as the emotion-ruling moon waxes into her first quarter in detail-oriented Virgo. Pay close attention to your gut, allowing the new awareness you gain to bring a fresh perspective to your current challenges. If you find yourself obsessing over the little things, take a step back and try to remember that you're in the driver's seat and can control the outcome. Use this time to take actions that will uplift your spirit and encourage others.
Charm will be the name of the game on Friday, when chatty Mercury in stable Taurus forms a trine with transformative Pluto in ambitious Capricorn. If you've been waiting for the right moment to ask for a favour or make your case on a certain matter, harness the energy of this transit to enlist the help you need. It's also a beautiful day to sniff out secrets and uncover mysteries. If you channel your inner detective, you may be surprised by the answers you can find.
Then, a thirst for excitement awakens within us on Saturday, when flirtatious Venus conjuncts enigmatic Uranus. It will be essential to keep your wits about you as this playful and impulsive planetary union can make it easy to get swept off your feet. If you're single, you may feel drawn to intriguing personalities, but be careful to guard your heart as this dynamic can sometimes lead to short-lived relationships. If you're partnered, try stirring things up by planning an adventurous date that helps you unwind and rediscover your bond. The magic of this transit will usher delightful news your way — prepare for the unexpected and see where it takes you.
Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, June 6, 2022.
You were born to lead with intensity, Aries. But while you may feel called to give your loved ones direction in domestic matters this week, it's important to guard your energy and consider if you're overextending yourself. Keep the lines of communication open, and make sure that everyone is up to date on the details so you can all stay on the same page. If you've been working to create a new schedule for yourself, you could stumble across an easier way to get things done. Consider how you can change up your routine in subtle ways to carve out more time for rest and relaxation.
How do you show love, Taurus? You may feel compelled to make your feelings known right now, but before you express yourself, try to unpack your emotions and motivations so you can put your best foot forward. If you've been craving a change at work, you could find unexpected inspiration for making a professional shift in your day-to-day life this week. Take the time to assess your skills and evaluate the opportunities that seem to align best with your goals. Chatting with your network of friends and colleagues can help you plant the seeds of success that will blossom into your dream gig.
Maintaining your space takes precedence this week, Gemini. If you notice that your to-do list is growing in size, start small. Focus your energy on cleaning up before getting started on more significant projects. Slow progress is still progress, so try not to be too hard on yourself as you navigate what needs to be done. Lean on your loved ones to help you create a plan and timetable for tackling everything that will work with everyone's schedule. Once you've dealt with the dirty stuff, you'll be able to channel a new vision for your space that allows you to indulge your senses and reconnect with your playful side.
Practice being unguarded this week, Cancer. If you notice you're feeling tense in your interactions with others, try to let go of the self-imposed pressure and open your heart to enriching your friendships. By putting up too many walls, you could risk locking the really meaningful connections out. If finding time to connect with your spiritual side feels like a chore, remember that spirituality means different things to different people, and your interpretation is entirely up to you. Consider how strengthening your inner power and achieving greater self-love could allow you to be kinder to yourself. Seize this moment to become your own best friend.
It's time to re-examine your relationship with money, Leo. Both generous and strategic, you tend to strike a delicate balance between enjoyment and frugality when it comes to your assets. This week, you're encouraged to examine the finer details of your savings and earnings to plan for summer spending. You'll be wise to do a bit of bookkeeping before making any travel reservations or big purchases. If you're looking to make significant improvements to your shared space, it's also a good time to gather quotes and price comparisons that will help make the case to loved ones.
Be kinder to yourself, Virgo. Outside pressures could leave you feeling untethered this week, so you'll have to rely on your natural sense of organization to stay on track. Get away from external noise by embracing solitude and taking time to collect your thoughts. Changes may be afoot at work, encouraging you to seize this time to rise to the next level in your career. Don't hesitate to ask for advice and assistance as you make your moves — you could do it alone, of course, but it's easier with help. Meanwhile, if you can put your problem-solving hat on and readjust your budget, you'll be able to reach a new financial goal that comes to your attention.
There's something brewing in your professional world, Libra. This week, it might feel as though you're down to the last straw or ready to start the next chapter in your career. But before doing anything too hasty, take a moment to meditate on how you'd like to make your next move. You may also be called to reassess your approach to your finances and ideas about what it means to be rich. Try to release any negative perceptions of wealth you may have, and open yourself up to receiving invitations and gifts by manifesting abundance in your journal entries, affirmations and visualizations.
Give your friends the benefit of the doubt this week, Scorpio. If you're feeling like your nearest and dearest are too busy for you, try reaching out with a kind word and scheduling a time to catch up. Isn't it time you asked for what you want, anyway? You'll be blessed with powers of persuasion during this time, helping others understand your perspective with ease. If you're attached, spending time enjoying the spring weather or planning a delightful dinner at home could help to enrich your relationship. If you're single and dating, you may want to extend an invitation to your space to a new special someone.
Are you craving recognition right now, Sagittarius? You may feel compelled to take key steps toward developing your public-facing life this week. But as you do so, remember to have faith in your natural abilities and continue to sharpen your skills. Getting in touch with your hidden talents will help you seize control of your creative evolution. If you've been craving a deeper connection with your partner of late, you could have an opportunity to reach a new level of intimacy by opening up and sharing your spiritual side. If you're single, you can use this energy to reflect on how your inner world shapes your material reality and informs your passion projects.
Are you excited to write your next chapter, Capricorn? When working toward your educational, travel-related or religious goals, it can be easy to get lost in the minutiae. If you're feeling lost, look back to the initial spark that led you on this journey — you'll be ready to make real progress once you've remembered your purpose. Later in the week, an epiphany may come to you at work as you begin to piece together your financial future. You have the drive needed to make positive progress, so if you can just place a little faith in yourself, you'll be able to bring abundance into your career zone.
It's time to balance the books, Aquarius. Your mind is sharpened this week, making it an ideal time to pay back any outstanding debts you may have. Conversely, you may feel inclined to call in any favours that you are owed. If you've been sitting on a project that could use some external support or guidance, this is a brilliant time to put a bug in the ear of the people you admire and trust. Speak your ideas and ambitions into existence, and watch this creative energy bring them to life. Flashes of insight could even come from unexpected spaces in your home.
Are you putting too much pressure on other people, Pisces? Watch that you don't unconsciously unload your emotional baggage on those closest to you this week. You may need to take a break in solitude in order to process what's happened and prepare to move forward. Consider your communication style and how you can use active listening to better understand others' viewpoints. When you're ready to come back to the table, lean on your intuition to guide your conversations. Meanwhile, you'll want to keep your schedule open as the weekend approaches so that you can embrace spontaneity and enjoy the unexpected.
Bryanna Collier is an astrology and fashion writer. Her work focuses on astrology, personal style, and how the two intersect. Follow her work at The Star Crossed.