Your horoscope for the week ahead: A new moon in Gemini will help illuminate where fresh opportunities lie
Try to stay flexible and be forgiving as you navigate Mercury’s retrograde shadow period

New moons can help illuminate where fresh opportunities lie, and with the renewing power of Monday's new moon in communicative Gemini, we're invited to shake off the heaviness of the spring 2022 eclipse season. This new moon will be ruled by Mercury, the governing planet of Gemini, which is currently in retrograde and set to form a challenging square with diligent Saturn. This aspect indicates that any projects you embark on under this lunation will require your full focus and attention. So if you're ready to pour your heart into your dreams, make sure that you can follow through. Simply manifesting won't be enough — you'll need to bring action to your words.
On Tuesday, practical Saturn in Aquarius goes on to form a semi-sextile with dreamy Neptune in Pisces, leaving us hyper-aware of our surroundings and of others. It's easier for us to be our most graceful selves under this transit, with both planets located in signs that they are dignified in, helping them perform well. If you've been feeling extra sensitive of late, use this as a chance to clear your mind and meditate. You may find yourself gravitating away from shallow or superficial experiences and toward more honest conversations. Seek out old friends and focus on how you can create positive change in your world.
If Mercury in retrograde has been putting a kink in your plans, you'll be happy to hear that the communication and travel-ruling planet will station direct in reliable Taurus on Friday, helping us find our footing. But it's important to stay alert and continue to triple-check your emails and texts, as we're not entirely out of the woods yet, cosmically speaking. We can still experience delays and miscommunications during Mercury's retrograde shadow period — which ends on June 18 — so remember to stay flexible and be forgiving as you navigate this energy.
Prepare to receive karmic lessons starting on Saturday, when structure-ruling Saturn stations retrograde in forward-thinking Aquarius, continuing in that direction until Oct. 23. The beauty of this transit is that it can help us understand how to correct past mistakes and move forward. Saturn lets go of his restrictive power during his retrograde, giving us the freedom to grow and encouraging us to write our own rules. We're in charge of our futures as the ringed planet moves in reverse, so take this time to widen your understanding and start evolving into your best self.
Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, May 30, 2022.
Speak up about what you want, Aries. If you can call attention to your desires, you'll be able to create the action plan that helps bring them to life this week. Stick to a calendar that supports your goals — you may even want to display it prominently in your home as a reminder to stay on track. Friends might also call in favours for their work during this time, so be sure to schedule extra space in your schedule to help them out. Your generosity will not go unnoticed. Meanwhile, you may finally be ready to dive headfirst into your finances. Focus on getting organized and managing your cash flow, and you'll feel on top of the world.
If you can dream it, you can do it, Taurus. But in order to see your seeds bear fruit, you'll have to put in daily effort. So set an intention that supports your goals this week, and begin laying the groundwork for success. Money matters will flow with ease if you follow your intuition. Be on the lookout for important opportunities to make deals, purchases and sales. Your thirst for knowledge will also be magnified during this time. Use this energy to explore a new subject — to get outside your comfort zone as you seek to morph into your next incarnation. Reflect on all the experiences your professional self has accumulated this year to help develop your talents.
Reflect on how you can create your own freedom, Gemini. It's time to realize your potential and turn your energy to honing your natural talents. A jolt of insight will help you step into the spotlight this week, so believe in yourself and work on creating a structured schedule that will support your wildest dreams. Serious conversations surrounding your career may inspire you to rethink your original objectives and consider a change in direction. As life at home runs a bit smoother, it may feel like you're getting back into your groove, but continue to stay alert to potential scheduling conflicts and inconveniences so that you can save precious time.
Embrace vulnerability, Cancer. You will be challenged to make changes to your inner self and grow spiritually this week. So work with your shadow side by journaling and making an effort to forgive yourself for past patterns and achieve self-acceptance. When it comes to love, you're in a no-nonsense mood, feeling both sober and optimistic about what you can bring to the table. If you're in a relationship, some money matters may capture your attention. New light could be shed on your shared spending habits, encouraging you to seek more clarity on your budget. Single crabs can use this time to help strengthen their finances by making progress in paying back any debts.
Could you put more effort into your relationships this week, Leo? Consider who you would like to get to know better, who you need to reconnect with and how you can fortify your closest bonds. Are there opportunities to better integrate your daily routine with that of your nearest and dearest so you can spend more quality time with them? Be strategic about how you fill your social calendar, making sure to nurture your many friendships. Meanwhile, if you've been thinking about how you can increase your earning potential, it may be time to take the plunge, research what your competition makes and make the case for a raise at work.
Are you ready to make a bold professional move, Virgo? Bring your powerhouse energy to the table this week as you choose your next adventure and plan for the future. Less friction at work will allow you to make progress on your projects, just be sure to stay on top of the details — and two steps ahead of everyone else. Reflect on the busywork you create for yourself in your day-to-day life, too, and see if you can replace it with activities that reignite your passion. When it comes to matters of the heart, open yourself to communicating in different love languages and you could have the chance to express your desires with a new level of honesty.
Knowledge is power, Libra. If you can tap into the thrill of curiosity to satisfy your intellectual side this week, it just might lead you to your next professional milestone. As you seek out your dream job, don't be afraid to expand your horizons and explore opportunities to travel. You're capable of handling complex subjects with ease and helping others shoulder their burdens. Just remember: you're in charge of creating a welcoming atmosphere for others. If you have children, you may need to adjust spaces for your little ones by clearing out old toys and furniture. Once you do so, you'll be ready to experience the world from a fresh perspective.
It's time for you to sort things out, Scorpio. You may be enlisted to help deal with some big projects this week, but ask yourself if you really have space for anything else on your plate. Others rely on you for your sharp mind and strategic thinking, so you need to be discerning with your energy. Whether you're single or attached, relationship discussions could also arise during this time, encouraging you to open your heart and invite intrigue in. If domestic matters begin to bubble up, these conversations could also help you to think more critically about how you care for your space. Make a list of issues that need to be addressed so that you can turn your home into a true haven.
Love is meant to fill your world, Sagittarius. Setting an intention to foster powerful new relationships can go a long way in helping you materialize the life you dream of. Regardless of whether or not you're currently with someone, it can be useful to remind yourself of the qualities you're looking for. Creating a list of attributes can help you stay present and even emulate the kind of person you'd like to attract. While you typically have a good head on your shoulders when it comes to managing expenses related to your space, this week may also be a good time to adjust your goals to fit your lifestyle. Take the lead in budgeting to help create your dream home.
Do your priorities need rearranging, Capricorn? This week, you're blessed with a golden chance to reevaluate your responsibilities and decide which elements of your well-being should take precedence. Try experimenting with a new daily schedule that will better support your personal health and wellness. As an air of romance takes over, you'll also be ready to see the world through rose-coloured glasses. This energy can be incredible for singles, as it helps us open up to others more easily. If you're in a relationship, allow yourself to be more flirtatious and intimate with your partner — now is the time to delight in each other's company.
It's time to fill your cup, Aquarius. It is your responsibility to connect your inner search for meaning to your public-facing self. If you've been feeling depleted, focus on satisfying the parts of you that crave pleasure, creativity and beauty this week. Nurturing these aspects of yourself can help you feel more comfortable in your skin, so be sure to prioritize your private time, particularly as your subconscious reveals itself in unexpected ways during this time. On the home front, family tiffs will be easily solved this week — as long as you stay on top of all the details. You're in charge of keeping the peace and making sure everyone stays on the same page.
How do you react to change, Pisces? As your loved ones grow and evolve this week, make sure that you offer them the support and patience they require. If you've had a misunderstanding with members of your family, know that the message will become clearer with time. Avoid pushing too hard and allow what is unknown to come to light on its own. In the meantime, contemplate what you keep hidden from others, as it could help you find healing and self-love. Your determined attitude of late will make it easier for you to communicate your ambitions to others. Harness this ability to break ground on a task that's awaiting your attention.
Bryanna Collier is an astrology and fashion writer. Her work focuses on astrology, personal style, and how the two intersect. Follow her work at The Star Crossed.