Your horoscope for the week ahead: The lunar eclipse will help you leave behind what no longer serves you
Meanwhile, the arrival of Gemini season will cause a spike in curiosity and the thirst for knowledge

This week, we're called to be extra aware of our emotions, with a lunar eclipse taking place in intense Scorpio on Monday. Lunar eclipses can help bring about endings, turning points and revelations, so it's a good time to acknowledge the parts of our lives that no longer serve us. This particular eclipse asks us to pay attention to secrets that need to be released. It could also be time for you to loosen your control over a situation — or over others. Open yourself up to change and make space for new things to grow.
By Friday, as the ego-ruling sun leaves Taurus, we'll be ready to step into Gemini season. Our interests will shift from seeking stability to indulging our curiosity and sating our thirst for knowledge. While it's thrilling to feel this burst of social energy, it can also leave us feeling exhausted and even untethered. If you begin to feel burnt out, communicate your capacity to others in order to help manage their expectations.
On Saturday, it may feel like everyone's mouths are moving a mile a minute. This energetic shift is caused by the sun's conjunction with chatty Mercury in retrograde. Help make conversations more productive by using your listening skills and really processing what others are saying, instead of talking over people.
Finally, if you've been struggling with procrastination, you can feel confident about tackling your projects on Sunday. Energetic Mars will create a sextile with transformative Pluto, helping to strengthen our sense of determination. Use this transit to make progress toward a long-held goal.
Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, May 16, 2022.
What can you let go of, Aries? You've got a lot of responsibilities, both domestic and financial, to juggle. If you could take one project off your plate, what would it be? Give this some thought and you could realize that some ideas need retooling or that you're simply spreading yourself too thin. Eliminate the unnecessary and give yourself the freedom to move forward. Setting aside time to look inward and support your spiritual self will also help you collect your energy, reduce background noise and better focus on the tasks at hand.
Take stock of your relationships, Taurus. This week, you may find it's impossible to look away from inequalities in effort and love, and you're invited to shed light on how you'd really like to be treated. Pay attention to cycles that don't support your well-being. Nurture your relationship with yourself, as well, by creating boundaries that protect your time and energy. You'll soon be feeling more grounded and ready to sort through any problem with confidence. If financial matters relating to your home pop up, you'll be prepared to use your sharp mind to solve them with ease, too.
Lighten your workload, Gemini. If you've been feeling constrained by your schedule and responsibilities, it's time to simplify your life. Imagine what personal goals you could accomplish if you cut out unnecessary busywork. Consider new possibilities when it comes to your professional aims as well, and let your creative side shine. Your natural charisma will inspire others this week, and people will be drawn to your optimistic spirit. Enjoy engaging in conversation and nurturing your thirst for knowledge — and embrace the chance to conquer any challenge that comes your way.
Reconsider how you unwind, Cancer. Pay close attention to your escapist tendencies this week and any bad habits that might be holding you back from experiencing real joy. Think about how you might be filling up your day with comforts that no longer serve you and make space for new pleasures. If you carve out some time for your passion projects this week, be sure to work alone, as outside distractions could take you out of your creative headspace. Put your phone on silent, block off your calendar and protect your energy — you now have the chance to realize your goals.
You're being called to ease tensions at home, Leo. Seek a better understanding of the situation by listening, identifying the patterns you need to break, and recognizing the behaviours that you can change to create a happier family life. Your attention will also be on your career aspirations during this time, and striking a balance between your professional and personal responsibilities. You'll be able to find a happy medium by talking with your loved ones. Later in the week, your social calendar will start to light up, helping you connect with friends and colleagues. Get ready to discuss your goals and plant profitable new seeds for the future.
It may be time to unburden yourself, Virgo. A secret is ready to come to light, but it's up to you to decide when and to whom you disclose it. Think about the people that care about you and how light you could feel after sharing it with them. You don't have to bear it alone. Consider redirecting your energy into your career goals this week, too. You could find inspiration for an exciting new venture right in your own backyard. Pay attention to the seeds of new ideas that come to you later in the week and use your analytical mind to leap forward.
Examine your budget, Libra. You could make great strides toward your financial goals by trimming the fat. Review your bills and eliminate expenses that don't truly support your goals or happiness. Take the time to evaluate your earnings, too, and see if it's time to seek a new position or make your case for a raise at work. Whatever move you make, it will help you to increase your wealth. Your mind is also hungry this week, so prioritize intellectual pursuits, like visits to the library; begin planning trips; and engage with people who seek to understand the unknown.
You're undergoing a metamorphosis, Scorpio. Get ready to break free from your past self. Not everyone in your life will be prepared for this transformation and may need time to get used to the new you. Let them adjust, but don't compromise: now is the time to move forward with confidence. This week, you could begin an exciting new project at work. Ensure your success by partnering with people you trust to support your vision and focusing on your big-picture goals as you navigate any challenges. You'll be blessed with a surge of energy at the end of the week that will help you attack your goals.
Look inward, Sagittarius. This is a beautiful week to consider how you can let go of anxieties and self-imposed stress. This may mean allowing yourself to be a beginner and embracing failure as an essential step toward mastery. It may mean allowing yourself to release what you cannot control, and embracing self-love and understanding. Whatever you resolve to do, make time to rest during this time and support your physical being as you recuperate. Later this week, your relationships will take centre stage, encouraging you to enrich your bonds with your loved ones. Catch up with your favourite people and enjoy feeding off each other's playful energy.
Are you getting what you need from your friendships, Capricorn? You may have noticed that some relationships have deteriorated, but don't fret. It's OK for people to evolve and move on. Spend time focusing on the people who currently lift you up and celebrate your wins. When it comes to family, make sure you have clear communication this week, as something could get lost in translation. Keeping your space tidy and syncing your calendars will help keep everyone on the same page. Creating a mindfulness practice, or maintaining an existing routine, could also do wonders.
Look at how far you've come, Aquarius. Your professional life is flourishing, priming you for a significant career change. Have confidence in your innate strength and independence as you navigate any opportunities that come your way. Mid-week, thanks to cosmic influence, you'll easily find solutions to any conflicts between your responsibilities and goals. Romance is on the rise during this time, too. If you're single, you'll be ready to embrace a flirtatious new attitude, perfect for picking up a few numbers this spring. If you're in a relationship, you may be inspired to break out of your routine and surprise your partner with an unexpected date night.
Are you holding on to beliefs that no longer align with your actual vision, Pisces? Consider how certain views could be holding you back from achieving your highest goals, and allow your perspective to broaden. If you've been looking for advice on a career move, your family could provide illuminating insights during this time, so talk to them. Home matters call for your attention later this week. Dedicate time to improving your space and clearing out clutter. Make room for loved ones and friends. Stay focused and on top of your to-do list, and beware of any distractions.
Bryanna Collier is an astrology and fashion writer. Her work focuses on astrology, personal style, and how the two intersect. Follow her work at The Star Crossed.