Your horoscope for the week ahead: As Venus enters Sagittarius, it's time to explore unknown territory
No subject will be off-limits

No subject will be off-limits at the top of this week. On Monday, communicative Mercury in strategic Scorpio will sextile transformative Pluto in assertive Capricorn, allowing us to ferret out secrets and process information quickly. This is also a beautiful day to ask for a favour, should you need one.
As charming Venus trines idealistic Jupiter on Tuesday, the atmosphere will turn optimistic, social and possibly even romantic. People tend to be easygoing and approachable under this energy, making it a great chance to build — or rebuild — relationships. It's essential to live in the moment during this time. If you're presented with an invitation or offer that you feel good about, this is the day to say yes.
Later on Tuesday evening (or very early Wednesday, depending on your time zone), Venus will enter adventurous Sagittarius, shifting our focus away from our individual concerns and toward unexplored territory and concepts like universal love. This transit can bring out our honest sides, however, so it's important to guard ourselves against being too blunt, or we could risk hurting the people in our lives.
Then, as the emotion-ruling moon wanes into her third quarter in proud Leo on Wednesday, we may feel pressure to move quickly to get our acts together. While presenting the right image to others may feel essential during this time, try to keep it from consuming your thinking and preventing you from accomplishing your goals.
When chatty Mercury enters philosophical Sagittarius on Thursday, we'll be in the mood to open our minds and gain new understanding of the world around us. With our sense of humour uplifted as well, socializing can be a great way to shine a light on our potential. Just be sure to keep others' feelings in mind, as the shadow side of this transit can make us seem tactless or flaky.
It will be wise to lay low when aggressive Mars squares intuitive Neptune on Saturday, creating a nervous energy. If you start to feel a little paranoid as these planets clash in the sky, hold off on making any agreements or plans. Avoiding unnecessary interactions will give you the opportunity to collect your thoughts in peace.
You'll be ready to bounce back on Sunday, when the spirit-driving sun trines bountiful Jupiter. The atmosphere will be bright and loving, perfect for spending time with friends and family. This day could offer fantastic opportunities to expand and grow — so don't hold back or hide away.
Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, November 14, 2022.
The world is your oyster, Aries. Early this week, discussing your hopes and dreams with loved ones could get you excited to plan some new adventures. Don't hesitate to begin creating an itinerary for a thrilling journey. If you're single, you may also start to feel more open to meeting new people during this period. Attached Rams may be more interested in dissecting the minds of their partners and discussing the matters of the world. Regardless of your relationship status, however, the next few weeks are sure to be filled with laughter. Just remember to be careful with your loved ones' emotions, as their thorns could come out quickly.
Taking stock of your finances can help you visualize your future more clearly, Taurus. Whatever you'd like to learn about your income, expenses, debts or assets, the information will be available to you early this week — should you be willing to put in the time to investigate. Midweek, you may feel the itch to expand your perspective or change up your routine. Harness this flash of inspiration to make lasting changes in your life. Near the end of the week, your confidence will shine. If you're attached, you may find your partner dazzled by your new attitude. If you're single, you'll be sure to capture others' attention — and you could even secure a romantic date.
Are you ready to make some significant changes, Gemini? On Monday, you'll be able to easily convince others to see your point of view, allowing you to control the narrative and mould your world at work and at home. Just make sure that you're acting with a pure heart. Midweek, you may feel your perspective shifting from an internal to an external focus. As your interest in philosophical issues and humanitarian matters grows, don't hesitate to reach out to friends who share or support this outlook. You could even invite them over for a dinner party to nurture conversations that will feed your mind.
Investing energy in your creative projects could pay off big time this week, Cancer. So take this chance to explore your hobbies and passions, and connect with your inner artist — it will help to nurture your body, mind and spirit. Heading into the weekend, you'll be the life of the party as people are drawn in by your sense of humour and ability to listen. Plan to kick back with friends — and try not to take your work home with you, or swirling negative thoughts could upset your mood. On Saturday, you may want to practice self-care by avoiding social media, as comparison can be the thief of joy. By Sunday, you'll feel rested and ready to emerge from the shadows.
Make your move, Leo. If you've been thinking about how you'd like to change up a shared living situation, you'll finally feel ready to discuss the finer details on Monday. Just be prepared to get honest about your finances as you explain how you'll execute your idea. Meanwhile, your career landscape will be loaded with opportunities this week. Take time to weigh the pros and cons of each option, even if coming to a decision ends up taking longer than you'd like. On Friday, home-related issues could pop up again, giving you the chance to move things forward. Embrace change, and contemplate the impact of your actions before making any final calls.
Wouldn't it be great if everyone were psychic, Virgo? Unfortunately, people can't read your mind, so you need to be upfront about your desires. This week, you'll be able to communicate what you need from your loved ones effectively. If you're single, this could mean not leaving anything unsaid when chatting with someone new. Meanwhile, if you've been seeking new ways to establish balance in your personal and professional worlds, you could stumble upon a solution on Wednesday that you can apply to both realms. Now is the time to ask yourself how you can prioritize joy and harmony in your life.
Don't be afraid to start a conversation, Libra. This week, chatting with people could lead to unexpected opportunities that have the potential to transform your world. On Tuesday, you'll be ready to enter a new realm of philosophical thinking. But as your mind looks to expand, your attention could drift, so be sure to keep tabs on your responsibilities. Activating your people skills again on Thursday might help you to secure some cash. Whether you're investing, asking for a raise or setting your rates, this is the time to claim your worth. Then, on the weekend, try your best to manage expectations and protect your energy. If you're able to do less, your body will thank you.
You're in the driver's seat this week when it comes to your cash, Scorpio. On Tuesday, you'll be in a prime position to evaluate any opportunities for growth that present themselves. If you're in a relationship, you could also make progress discussing your shared finances. Single Scorpios may see their dating pool widen significantly starting Tuesday. While this may not be the best moment to make a love connection, you're bound to have fun. Meanwhile, those in relationships may enjoy nurturing their minds with their partners over the coming weeks. If you're toying with the idea of travel, choose adventure — and let your significant other take the lead.
You've got a brand new attitude, Sagittarius: you're committed to achieving your vision for your ideal lifestyle. But if making certain wellness practices a habit feels like a challenge this week, remember it's nothing that you can't accomplish. Meanwhile, if you've been wanting to make a career change, you may come across a bevy of ideas and options on Wednesday. If you're single, this bountiful energy could also cross over into your love life — you may even meet someone who can keep up with you. Nearing the weekend, your mind could turn toward spiritual matters. Journalling and practicing mindfulness are excellent ways to connect with your inner self during this time.
What have you been working toward, Capricorn? Are you ready to pursue a career that is more aligned with your values? Listen to your intuition this week if you're presented with an opportunity that could allow you to give back to the causes you care about. If changing jobs isn't the right move for you right now, you may want to consider volunteering for an organization that can benefit from your talents. Midweek, you could be inspired to make adjustments to your schedule in order to improve your mood. Carving out time to blow off steam in healthy ways can significantly impact your happiness.
Do you know how to advocate for yourself, Aquarius? This week, you'll have the chance to stand up for your worth. Communicating your passion for your work will give you a chance to highlight your wins and reap the benefits of your labour. Meanwhile, you may find yourself eager to explore new options for your living situation. Whether you're looking to improve your space or find a new one, use this time to gather inspiration before breaking out your tools or wallet. You may also feel tempted to blast through your entire to-do list during this period, but it's important to take a step back and consider your existing responsibilities to avoid burning out.
It's time to start strategizing, Pisces. You'll be able to easily balance your personal and professional responsibilities on Wednesday, making it the perfect day to plan for the future. Use this time to get organized at home and work so you can begin breaking ground on your dreams. Come Saturday, it could feel like the world is coming down on your shoulders, with financial responsibilities piling up. Take a deep breath and ask yourself what kind of help you need in order to conquer these challenges. Even a tiny step you take to change your situation will make a difference.
Bryanna Collier is an astrology and fashion writer. Her work focuses on astrology, personal style, and how the two intersect. Follow her work at The Star Crossed.