Your horoscope for the week ahead: The Blood Moon lunar eclipse will usher in endings of all kinds
Meanwhile, significant changes will be on the horizon, as the sun in Scorpio opposes rebellious Uranus

This week begins on a heavy note. As we greet the final lunar eclipse of the year in security-loving Taurus on Tuesday, we may find ourselves experiencing endings of all kinds — whether it's losing love, friendships or opportunities. While navigating these closures could feel especially difficult, know that they're also opening up new pathways for us to experience. Remembering that everything is temporary may also help to bring you some peace.
If the day feels extra loaded, it could be due to the sun in secretive Scorpio forming a conjunction with communicative Mercury, also in Scorpio. Under this influence, messages can easily get lost in translation and it's often hard to decipher the truth. We may feel eager to protect the information we have in order to control conversations. Still, it's important to work on being transparent with our needs from others during this time.
An electric atmosphere could take over on Wednesday, as the sun in intense Scorpio goes on to oppose rebellious Uranus. Be careful not to take on too much during this transit, as its power can be difficult to harness. Significant changes are on the horizon, and in order to soften their impact, we must work on controlling our reactions. So tread with caution and be wary of new people who cross your path.
When romantic Venus in passionate Scorpio trines dreamy Neptune in sensitive Pisces on Thursday, you'll be ready to relax and open up to others again. Take a break and seek out pleasure to soothe your nerves. Once you've recharged your emotional batteries, you can return to the world refreshed.
On Saturday, Mercury will also trine Neptune in Pisces, strengthening our intuition and providing us the chance to start piecing together the week's most puzzling situations. While we may find it easier to understand the motivations of others during this period, it's essential to still be careful with anything that comes with fine print.
Come Sunday, you may find that you're only interested in engaging with those who match your depth. When love-ruling Venus sextiles transformative Pluto, surface-level interactions simply won't satisfy. This penetrating transit can also help us to realize our goals through calculated action, so ask yourself: are you prepared to do what it takes to get what you want?
Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, November 7, 2022.
Is your plate too full, Aries? You may not realize it yet, but it's time to simplify your life. So if it feels as though the universe is working to remove a time-consuming project or person from your life early in the week, have faith and let it. Midweek, don't be afraid to say no. The influence of others could keep you from achieving your objectives, so you may want to work alone. If you're feeling overwhelmed, try settling down with a book or movie to enjoy a little escapism and calm your nerves. You'll be able to build up confidence on Friday if you adopt a can-do attitude. When you encounter obstacles, attack them head-on.
Are your needs being met, Taurus? Making more time for yourself this week could help you discover ways to better care for your mind, body and spirit. On Tuesday, you may notice that inconsistencies in your relationships feel magnified. This could mean that it's time for you to break a destructive pattern so you can move forward with grace. Meanwhile, you'll want to keep a cool head when discussing money matters, especially at work. Be sure you have all the information before making any big financial decisions. Finally, whether you're single or attached, the weekend will bring a chance to wind down and get wrapped up in romance.
Time is fleeting, Gemini. Reminding yourself of that could help you regain your power this week. On Tuesday, you'll have the chance to eliminate busy work and focus on investing your energy in the things that truly matter. At the same time, others may ask a lot of you — be ready to navigate these conversations tactfully so that you can protect your strength. On Saturday, a flash of creative insight could arrive, providing you with a brilliant idea for one of your business or personal projects. Keep a pen and paper handy as you gather inspiration and begin laying the groundwork for a new dream.
Balancing your homebody and social butterfly tendencies will be key to your well-being this week, Cancer. If you've been a bit of a hermit of late, maybe it's time to ring up your friends. On the other hand, if you've been socializing a lot, you may need to carve out more moments alone. Midweek, a difference of opinion with a loved one may cause you to retreat into your shell. Practicing self-love will help you get over this slump and re-emerge with confidence. On Friday, you could face a financial reality check, especially if you pool your cash with a partner. Instead of burying your head in the sand, work on changing your spending habits.
Can you really have it all, Leo? You may need to redefine what "all" means this week, as projects and responsibilities pile up in both your professional and personal lives. Identifying ones you can eliminate will help you make more space for joy. On Tuesday, you could find yourself navigating several conversations about cash, whether it's regarding your home, work or shared assets. Make sure you're prepared to answer questions. Having a healthy understanding of your finances before you engage with others. Nearing the weekend, it may feel as though others are demanding a great deal from you. If you can rise to the occasion, you'll be rewarded for your efforts — and have your character strengthened.
Are you ready to relinquish control and really listen, Virgo? Harnessing your keen powers of observation could help you better process information this week — and maybe even open up your perspective. Letting go of old patterns of thinking will provide the space for new ideas to flourish. Meanwhile, you may encounter some unprecedented challenges at work. As tackling them begins to drain your energy, you might be tempted to slack off and reward yourself early for your hard work. But if you can stay motivated until Thursday, you'll be able to celebrate in style when the mood relaxes for the rest of the work week.
Stay alert to avoid unpleasant surprises, Libra. Early in the week, you could be made aware of some outstanding debts or expenses that require your attention. Taking a long, hard look at your bank account will help you eliminate unnecessary spending and make space for future opportunities. Use this moment to create a plan that will allow you to fund a long-held dream. On Thursday, indulging your senses will bring pure pleasure. So don't hesitate to cook up your favourite foods or immerse yourself in the woods to admire the beautiful fall foliage. However you like to relax, your experience will be enhanced thanks to a cosmic influence.
Do you have a hard time letting go of the proverbial steering wheel, Scorpio? Giving others a chance to drive may be just what you need to find true harmony this week. Sometimes, working as a team is better — even if that means sacrificing a small piece of your vision. On Wednesday, an unexpected conversation or change at work could end up throwing life into disarray. Do your best to manage any conflict through compromise and negotiation, and remember that how you show up for others is what's important. On the weekend, a wave of passion will sweep through. Whether single or attached, you'll only have romance on your mind.
Nurture your spirit, Sagittarius. If the pressures of the world are weighing too heavy on your shoulders this week, it could be a sign to lighten your workload. Finding things that uplift the sides of yourself that you typically keep hidden will allow you to truly thrive. Midweek, spending some time alone may help you to recentre your thoughts and gain fresh perspective on your goals. It might also be the right moment to ask for a raise or, if you work for yourself, increase your prices. This could be your chance to realize and even enhance your value — if you're willing to put in the work.
What's holding you back, Capricorn? If the answer has been unclear until now, it could reveal itself to you this week. So pay attention to the behaviours that may be preventing you from achieving your goals. What you desire is within your grasp. Midweek, you'll be challenged to be both productive and flexible as you're presented with a loaded task list. It may only be possible to accomplish some of what you set out to achieve, so prioritize your responsibilities — and remember that you don't have to do it all alone. If you can clearly express yourself and communicate your vision, this could be your golden opportunity to shine as a leader.
Is there an imbalance between your professional and personal lives, Aquarius? On Tuesday, you'll have a chance to identify what's occupying too much of your time and remove it from your world. While it may feel sad to let go of this aspect of your life, remember to trust the process. On Wednesday, eccentric people and pressing projects could pop out of the woodwork, but you'll be able to navigate any confusion by keeping your poker face. Appearing unfazed will help strengthen your influence over others. And while the week may have felt a bit chaotic, Sunday could find you blessed with a critical insight needed to help break ground on one of your goals.
Are you ready to explore new schools of thought, Pisces? Prepare to undergo a transformation of the mind starting Tuesday, as you learn to listen, communicate and absorb information in new ways. Try to let go of how you've engaged with others in the past — it's time to embrace your evolution. Meanwhile, you may find your schedule filling up quickly, forcing you to think on your feet. Handling family matters and personal responsibilities will likely be your primary focus until Saturday, when you'll be in the mood to kick back and relax. Surround yourself with your nearest and dearest so you can be your authentic self.
Bryanna Collier is an astrology and fashion writer. Her work focuses on astrology, personal style, and how the two intersect. Follow her work at The Star Crossed.