163,000 reasons why Cindy Blackstock keeps fighting for kids

Child advocate Cindy Blackstock said she has 163,000 reasons why she keeps fighting for the rights of Indigenous children. And each one of them has a name and a family.
What is her one wish for First Nations children?
"I really am hoping we can create a social movement so that we can raise a generation of First Nations children who never have to recover from their childhoods again."
How is that achieved?
"Culturally-based equity. That they no longer have to fight to be treated fairly. And to have their cultures honoured and respected. It's up to all of us when we see someone being discriminated against either on the playground by another person or by the government. We all need to stand up against that."
Listen to Cindy Blackstock's full interview with Rosanna Deerchild by clicking the button under the photo.