Ahousaht: Story of a Skate park
The remote First Nations community of Ahousaht on the wild Pacific coast of Vancouver Island, BC, made headlines in October 2015 with their quick and heroic response to the capsized tourist whale-watching boat, Leviathan II.

"It kinda put me in shock a little bit," said Mazereeuw. "I couldn't believe the perfect opportunity to jump on board and help this project out. I called my wife right away and said, 'we need to get behind this and we need to do this'. We decided that going to the media and going public might really be a way for us to help out and say thank you to these people that helped us," he said.

Rebecca Atleo, Ahousaht's director of education, applauded Mazereeuw's efforts. "I think that shows a real true appreciation towards the people who saved his life. What better way – doing something for the kids."
"With our kids I really truly, truly believe each of them has the potential to do something, to be something, to make their mark in the world. But we also have to build in that self-confidence for them to say 'Yeah I can do this, I can!' Without fear. We got a national chief out of here, we could get a world champion skateboarder out of here. Anything's possible," Atleo said.