The Debaters

Jury duty stinks and should be avoided

David Pryde and Ron Sparks go on the strength of their convictions to argue whether jury duty is our civic obligation or just a burden.

David Pryde and Ron Sparks go on the strength of their convictions to argue whether jury duty is our civic obligation or just a burden.

David Pryde makes a strong case that jury duty is guilty of wasting people's time.

Jury duty is like volunteering to be a Little League umpire. You get no money, no respect and you're one bad call from some angry parents trying to make a federal case out of it!- David Pryde

But Ron Sparks throws the book at those who want to bail on being a juror.

If you don't do it, someone else will. And that someone else might be me. Would you really rather let me decide who should be free to roam your neighbourhood?- Ron Sparks

It is the Court's decision that you click play now!