The Current for Oct. 7, 2019
Today on The Current: A panel of former MPs talk us through tonight’s leaders debate, and why it could be a turning point for the election; plus, culinary geographer Lenore Newman explains what mammoth stew might have tasted like, and why our favourite foods might be at risk of extinction; and we ask if we should ditch flesh-and-blood politicians, and give the robots a go at leadership.

Today on The Current: A panel of former MPs talk us through tonight's leaders debate, and why it could be a turning point for the election; plus, culinary geographer Lenore Newman explains what cuisine of the Roman empire, seasoned with the extinct herb silphium, might have tasted like, and why our favourite foods might be at risk of disappearing; and we ask if we should ditch flesh-and-blood politicians, and give the robots a go at leadership.