Stories of survival, recovery and backlash from 4 people all held captive
Guest host Amanda Lindhout joins three other survivors of captivity, who know what it's like to start life again after such a harrowing experience

Friday's guest host Amanda Lindhout was held captive in Somalia, after being kidnapped in 2008 while working as a reporter.
She's told her story many times since her release, and in many ways it's become a very public one. But it's also an intensely personal story that's almost impossible to relate to anyone who hasn't had a similar experience.
Lindhout joins three other survivors of captivity, who know what it's like to start life again.
- In July 2009, Sarah Shourd was hiking in Iraqi Kurdistan with her fiance and a friend. An Iranian soldier lured them across an unmarked border into Iran, where the three were arrested and taken to Evin Prison in Tehran. She spent 410 days in solitary confinement. She's the co-editor of Hell Is a Very Small Place: Voices from Solitary Confinement.
- Dr. Dilip Joseph was working in a remote medical clinic in rural Afghanistan in December 2012 when he was ambushed by the Taliban. He was held for four days until he was rescued by U.S. Navy Seals. He's the author of Kidnapped by the Taliban: A Story Of Terror, Hope, And Rescue By SEAL Team Six.
- David Rohde is a former New York Times journalist who was researching a book in Afghanistan in 2008 when he was kidnapped by the Taliban. He was held for eight months until he escaped. He's currently the national security investigations editor for Reuters and a contributing editor for the Atlantic.