Canada's $50 million pledge will educate 350,000 children, says global fund director
Education Cannot Wait funds programs that educate children affected by conflict

"About 350,000 to 400,000 children will benefit from the generous Canadian contribution," explained Executive Director Yasmine Sherif.
According to Sherif, it costs about $112 to put one of those children through school for an entire year.
The global fund provided seed money to develop and implement education programs for children affected by sudden-onset or escalating crises, she explained. The fund also supports programs that target gender equity in education.
"When you invest in the education of a girl in a very abnormal situation of a crisis, it's not a cost, it's an investment in that person's life."
Hey <a href="">@Trevornoah</a> - thanks for everything you’re doing to celebrate Nelson Mandela’s legacy at the <a href="">@GlblCtzn</a> festival. Sorry I can’t be with you - but how about Canada pledges $50M to <a href="">@EduCannotWait</a> to support education for women & girls around the world? Work for you? Let’s do it.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted the pledge to comedian Trevor Noah on Sunday as he hosted the Global Citizen Festival, a charity concert in South Africa.
Back in Canada, Trudeau was criticised for the method in which he made the announcement.
Pledging $50 million in a tweet to impress a TV personality? <br><br>Taxpayers need a defender not somebody who throws their money around to be popular with celebrities. <br><br>This is how deficits become massive and permanent. <a href=""></a>
Sherif talked with The Current's Anna Maria Tremonti about the work done by Education Cannot Wait.
Click 'listen' near the top of this page to hear the full conversation.
With files from CBC News. Produced by Samira Mohyeddin.