'What unites us makes us stronger': Quebec votes in Phillippe Couillard as the next premier

We are all Quebecers. We should all focus on what brings us together. What unites us makes us stronger. Let us say together with passion, nous sommes tous fier d'etre Quebecois. As Premier of Quebec I'll be the first person responsible for the only French society in North America. It's a unique responsibility that I will assume with passion and strength and vigour.Neurosurgeon Phillippe Couillard, the next premier of Quebec
Quebec has a new, majority Liberal government. The next premier of the province will be neurosurgeon Phillippe Couillard.
It was a stunning defeat for the PQ, and for its leader Pauline Marois who lost her own seat and announced her resignation. PQ support hasn't been this low since1970, winning just 30 seats to the Liberals 70 seats.

'I wish to tell all Quebecers that despite this defeat, I am very grateful to you' - PQ leader Pauline Marois.
(CP/Ryan Remiorz)
So much to talk about today on the Quebec election results ...
- Antonia Maioni is a professor of political science at McGill University.
- Daniel Turp is a former PQ MNA and Bloc Quebecois MP, and a professor of Constitutional and International Law at the Université de Montreal.
- Christian Bourque is the Vice President of Research at Leger.
If you'd like to comment on the Quebec election results, contact us.
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This segment was produced by Montreal Network Producer Susan McKenzie.