Why Maclean's has done us all a great service - Michael's essay; Finding the elusive work-life balance; Mail - Walking backwards; Documentary - You Will Become a Lioness; Mail - Muslims in Europe; Wally Lamb on the craft of writing
This week on the Sunday Edition for January 25, 2015...

This week on the Sunday Edition for January 25, 2015
Michael's essay - Why Maclean's has done us all a great service: (00:00:25) This week's cover story about racism in Winnipeg represents an unprecedented triumph for magazine journalism in Canada, laying bare the many ways in which we have failed our aboriginal people.
Finding the elusive work-life balance: (00:04:20) We all want a better balance between our work and our personal lives, but these days that seems next to impossible. With e-mail, texts and smart phones, it feels as though we are all working, all the time. Michael talks to Ron Friedman, author of The Best Place to Work: The Art and Science of Creating an Extraordinary Workplace, and to Linda Duxbury, Professor at the Sprott School of Business at Carleton University.
Mail - Walking backwards: (00:36:56) Last week, Michael shared his New Year's resolution to adopt a new fitness regime: walking backwards. Listeners react.
Walk softly, carry a big stick -- and wear a pink sari: (00:43:06) Ashley Walters brings us the story of a women's vigilante group in the Indian province of Uttar Pradesh. Sampat Pal, founder of the Gulabi Gang (Pink Gang) and her followers fight for gender and caste justice. Ashley's documentary is called "You Will Become a Lioness".
Mail - Muslims in Europe: (01:05:28) Our panel discussion last week on Muslim assimilation in Europe generated a strong response from listeners.
Wally Lamb on the craft of writing: (01:09:57) There are popular writers and there are literary phenomena; rarely are they incarnated in one man. Wally Lamb is the author of four novels, two of which, She's Come Undone and I Know This Much is True, were selected by Oprah Winfrey for her book club. His latest novel, We are Water, explores the pain and the promise of a middle-class family in contemporary America.