The Sunday Edition for March 24, 2019

Listen to this week's episode with host Michael Enright.
Why the Brits won the war — Michael's essay: A booklet published by the British Ministry of Information in 1942 called How To Keep Well in Wartime, contains health tips still of value today. Take, for example, this gem of advice about how to get enough sleep: "People who suffer from cold feet should put on socks."
What can be done about violence against elementary school teachers?: Our recent documentary, "Hard Lessons," told the shocking story of elementary school teachers who are regularly kicked, punched, slapped, hit with objects, bitten and even choked by their young students. Classrooms are disrupted, students who witness the violence are traumatized, and many teachers are quitting the jobs they used to love. Why is this happening? What can be done to prevent it? And why do principals and school boards want to keep this issue from the public? Three guests, all with careers in the education system, join Michael Enright to discuss.
Your reaction to: our conversation about what it's like to be Muslim at a time when violence committed by white supremacists is on the rise.
Judgment day looms for Nova Scotia's Boat Harbour: Every day, tens of millions of litres of toxic effluent pour into Boat Harbour from Northern Pulp, a mill located across the water from Pictou. Successive governments have attempted — and failed — to clean up Nova Scotia's most contaminated site. Now, a deadline looms. The company has been ordered to stop the effluent flow into Boat Harbour by January 31, 2020. The mill owners say they need more time to fine-tune an alternative. If they don't get it, they say, they'll shut the mill down. David Gutnick reports from Pictou in his documentary, "Every Problem Has Eight Sides."
News flash: Breakfast is not the most important meal of the day!: In this episode of our recurring series, "Think Again", Michael talks to Australian researcher Flavia Cicuttini, who upends everything you ever thought you knew about breakfast. Turns out eating breakfast does not give you more energy, improve your concentration or help you lose weight. Ms. Cicuttini is a professor of clinical epidemiology at Monash University.
After losing her daughter to fentanyl, this mother finds solace and community with her daughter's friends: Sarah Vee was a talented young busker who lived on the streets. Now her mother, Karen Valiunas, invites other young people who live on the street for a home-cooked dinner every Friday, as a way to connect with her daughter. Bob Keating's documentary is called, "The Universe is a Friendly Place."
Mark Abley's memoir is a tender portrait of a difficult father-son relationship: Montreal writer Mark Abley describes Harry Abley as "a nightmare of a father; depressive, self-absorbed, unpredictable, emotionally unstable. He was a dream of a father: gentle, courageous, artistically gifted." Harry was a gifted organist who performed on theatre organs in the 1930s. Mark's book is called, The Organist: Fugues, Fatherhood and a Fragile Mind.
Music this week by: Antonio Vivaldi, RCMP Staff Sergeant (retired) Garth Hampson, J.S. Bach, oboe d'amore player Bruce Haynes, Thelonius Monk, Jenn Grant, Ella Fitzgerald and Alex Cuba.