Tell us: What does predictive text reveal about you?

What embarrassing or enlightening things does the predictive text on your phone reveal about you?
Predictive text is great, right?
You're tapping out a message to a friend and barely have to come up with the right words! Your phone already knows your favourite words and suggests them to you, easy peasy.
But have you ever been in the situation where it starts to suggest a word or phrase that you really wish it wouldn't?
Like every time you type the letter "w" it predicts you want to write the word "wine"?
Or the way my phone used to predict the words: I Crazy Hey So Oh, before I even typed anything! What did that say about me? It really made me reconsider my whole personality. (Okay, not really, but STILL!)
Has your predictive text revealed anything hilarious and/or shameful about you?
I'm going to be honest, sometimes predictive text seems designed to make you feel bad. When my ex-boyfriend and I broke up earlier this year, every time I wrote the letter "S" it suggested this wonderfully complete phrase: "Sergio and I broke up"
No matter what I wrote, if it started with an S, I was confronted with the sad romantic truth of it all! Over and over again.
Eventually I had to clear the settings so it would stop predicting it.
But I wondered, how many times did I write that actual phrase to people for my phone to learn that the letter S now meant my love life is a sad state of affairs?
So, what does the predictive text on your phone reveal about you?
Let us know so we can talk about it more on air! Comment below or record your story on your phone and send us the audio file to [email protected]