Tuesday, May 29, 2018: Neko Case, Justin Simien and more

Today on q: singer-songwriter Neko Case, pop culture contributor Anne T. Donahue, art historian and art crime expert Noah Charney, Dear White People creator Justin Simien.
Today on q: singer-songwriter Neko Case, pop culture contributor Anne T. Donahue, art crime expert Noah Charney, Dear White People creator Justin Simien. (Jason Creps, Urska Charney, Getty Images)

Today on q, with Tom Power: (1) singer-songwriter Neko Case discusses her new album Hell-On and losing her house to fire; (2) pop culture contributor Anne T. Donahue shares her two goods and a bad for the week; (3) art crime expert Noah Charney tells the fascinating stories behind some of the greatest missing masterpieces; (4) Dear White People creator Justin Simien explains why he saw his film and TV show as more of an opportunity than a challenge.