Sammy Davis Jr.'s daughter Tracey on the icon's secret struggles

Tracey Davis joins Jian to talk about the lesser-known life and times of her famous father, Sammy Davis, Jr. Her new book -- Sammy Davis Jr: A Personal Journey with My Father -- takes a closer look at the racist brutality Davis endured in the army, the controversy around his interracial marriage to Swedish actress May Britt, and other lesser-known stories about the singer, dancer, actor, and Rat Pack entertainer.
Davis says it's important to her, and that it was important to her dad, that his legacy be kept alive.
"He wanted me to keep it going. He wanted people to know his music and what he stood for and what he did and what kind of person he was. And I think he knew intuitively that I was the one to do it."
She spoke admiringly about how her father persevered despite everything he went through.
"I think the biggest triumph of my dad was that he never got bitter and he never got down, and I don't know how," she says.
"His outlook on life, and what he was going to be and what he became, never wavered, and I think that's a testament to his strength."
The multi-talented Sammy Davis Jr.
If Davis's glory days came and went before your time, below you'll find three performances that showcase his on-stage charisma: a tap dance, an impersonation and a beautiful rendition of Mr. Bojangles.