Best of Q: Lost Johnny Cash recordings feature icon in his prime

While digging through his late father's old recordings, John Carter Cash stumbled upon an unreleased album from legendary country singer Johnny Cash. Originally ignored by Columbia records during a rough patch in Cash's career, the album has been touched up and was released earlier this year in March.
In the Best of Q, Carter Cash joins Jian to discuss his amazing discovery. As he explains, the album, titled Out Among the Stars, bridges the gap between his father's early boisterous days and the melancholy sounds of his late recordings.
"I hear elements of both of those time periods in there," Carter Cash says of the album. "I think it's a very important part of his life, creatively, that we just don't know that much about."
A more intimate side of Cash
He also reflects on his famous father's legacy; his dad's relationship with his mother, June Carter Cash; and the side of his family he was hoping to reveal in his book House of Cash: The Legacies of My Father Johnny Cash.
"I wanted people to see a more intimate view of the man, to know what he was like to his family," Carter Cash explains. "It's sort of become my mission to relate more about my dad, in furthering his legacy.
"I'd love to see that legacy maintained and touch people and help people."