Luvvie Ajayi's side eye is given with love

The side eye is a fine and dangerous art — one lovingly administered by pop culture critic Luvvie Ajayi.
The Internet sensation's popular blog Awesomely Luvvie, throws shade at the murky world of online oversharing and asks readers to redraw the boundaries around being vulnerable online.
For Ajayi, judgement should be exacted for a higher purpose, like calling out racism. For example, she takes issue when people say they are colour blind.
"I don't want you to see me as having no colour. We need to talk about what happens when people see black and brown skin see them as threats," she says to guest host Candy Palamter adding that colour blindness erases the history of black and brown people.
The Nigerian-born blogger who describes her forthcoming book, I'm Judging You: The Do Better Manual as "a collection of verbal side eyes," tackles both the minor (social media etiquette) and major (racism in the media) topics with a comedic hand.
"While your defences are down I want to talk about something important. Even when it's serious I still want it to be where people are absorbing what I'm saying," she says of her New York Times best seller.
She joins Candy to talk about using humour to have important conversations and leaving the world better than she found it.