Q Essay: YouTube versus independents
Jian reflects on YouTube's new paid streaming service

With only a few days left until Google-owned YouTube imposes its new paid streaming service, Jian reflects on the impact the change will have on the music industry. Indies are getting the short-end of the stick, getting inferior licensing deals in comparison to those negotiated with the bigger labels.
Despite what YouTube claims, he says independent labels take up a large market share of the industry. Thus, it might prove unwise for YouTube to go forward with their plan. Without YouTube as a means of distributing their content, indie labels are likely to live up to their name and find an independent way into the future.
"The thing about independent artists is, they'll go wherever they want. And tell their fans. And the blogs will point there," says Jian.
Listen to the full essay by clicking on the listen button above or playing it in the window embedded below (yes, we posted this one on YouTube).