Merchants of Doubt: Inside the world of skeptics-for-hire

Guest host Allan Hawco speaks with director Robert Kenner about his new documentary film, Merchants of Doubt, which goes inside the unseemly world of skeptics-for-hire -- people paid by corporations to cast doubt on the health risks of smoking, climate change, and chemicals in food.
Kenner -- who says he first became interested in the topic while working on this acclaimed documentary, Food, Inc. -- discusses the playbook tactics that these so-called "merchants of doubt" use to sway public opinion and how they have fostered a distrust in scientific research. He also argues that the media have played a role by giving these groups -- climate change deniers, for example -- an audience.
"We're debating something that's not a debate," Kenner says.
*Click on the listen button above to hear the full segment (audio runs 19:14).
You can watch the trailer for Merchants of Doubt below.